Debbie Does Divorce: Constance Stellas

viewed 569 times
Ever wonder if a Pisces is a good match for a Capricorn, orwhether your dating and love style syncs up with your sign? AstrologistConstance Stellas chats with Debbie about how you can increase your chances of success in love and dating using astrology.

The author of The Everything Sex Signs Book: Astrology between the sheets, Constance combines astrology and psychologyto uncover how you can gauge a potential lover's preferred seduction styleand fantasies. And, hey, maybe you'll also find out whether a fish and a goat really are compatible!


Debbie Does Divorce: Workplace Attorney Robin Bond

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viewed 747 times

Employers know that divorced women are a great catch because driven by fear and a need for stability, they'll often work a lot harder and for less money.

But don’t put yourself on sale! Debbie chats with workplace attorney Robin Bond who shares strategies on how you can increase your value at work. As Debbie says, “You need money honey!” Uh-huh.


Debbie Does Divorce

Financial Advisor Kathy Boyle

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viewed 809 times

Whether you're just thinkingabout divorce or in the middle of the process, finances are on the top ofyour mind. Do you know the value of your 401k and IRA accounts? Did you know single moms earn 66% less than their male counterparts? That's no joke.

Debbie chats with financial advisor Kathy Boyle who shares tips on howyou can get a handle your financial life. Have a listen…!

Featured video: Beauty Queen

(part 2)

viewed 557 times
In this episode, Shirley Washington Lewis talks about the overwhelming self-doubt she experienced when she left her marriage. She weathered a tough, emotionally trying transition period but eventually got to the other side with the help of family and friends. Listen, as she shares her story…

Featured video: Beauty Queen

(part 1)

viewed 702 times

Featured video: On Mediation

(part 3)

viewed 309 times

Featured Video: The Hypochondriac

(part 2)

The Hypochondriac part 2 image
viewed 488 times

Featured video: The Hypochondriac

(part 1)

viewed 548 times

Featured video: On Mediation

(a case study)

viewed 529 times
Rachel Fishman Green, Esq. is an attorney with thirteen years of experience as a private divorce and family mediator. For more information about her services, or just how mediation works, you can visit:

Featured video: On Mediation

(part 2)

viewed 365 times
Rachel Fishman Green, Esq. is an attorney with thirteen years of experience as a private divorce and family mediator. For more information about her services, or just how mediation works, you can visit:
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