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Chasing Trust
(part 1)
Posted by FWW on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 10:03pm
Oh My Lord
I feel so sorry for your poor poor husband! You were in the military, you knew of the housing changes necessary you knew all about the life of a military wife. You blame him for doing his job. You are lost and obiviously not all together but that is ok. I'm sure that is why and your husband were having problems after you first met... your NUTS. Watch your head and facial movement in this video and you will agree you need a lot of HELP. You must have had a fun time when you were balanced but your obiviously not now and I don't blame your husband one bit.
Its sad to know that in your 50's you have gone down hill so fast and so hard. I can't imagine anyone but some 85+ senior with alzheimers finding you intresting when you finally check your self in... I predict you will be alone with cats for a very very long time. Keep jangling those bracelets honey its all you have left to do
Oh My Lord
You have no idea what this woman went through in her life....and I will reiterate that it was her life...not yours! Bless her for still hanging in there despite the trials and tribulations of marriage, life, and family. Michelle
Sharon Stan
You are amazing and definitely have a story to tell! You were always the little girl with a big dream. Glad you are finally happy with yourself. Your longtime friend - Sandy.
Sharon Stan
Loved the video on Sharon Stan, Keep up these wonderful stories, a refeashing piece.................