Q & A on Making Child Custody Work

Q & A on Making Child Custody Work

House Blogger Faith Eggers asks:
My son is 16 months old and has only seen his father once. Although he isn't aware of it now, I'm wondering if there will be any long-term effects from the lack of relationship his father has with him.
Marsha Temlock responds:
It is difficult to know the long-term effects on your son. however, you can provide him with good male role models while he is growing up, Perhaps an uncle, good friend, grandfather, teacher or mentor (there are many such programs) can fill the bill. Many children today are raised by single parents, often women. If you need advice, contact a single parenting group. They typically have events that include children. It is much easier today to raise children when one parent is absent which is not to say that there aren't challenges. Judith Wallerstein, Ph.D. is an author you might turn to. She has done a lot of excellent research about children of divorce.
Good Luck.
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