Online Resources For Your Divorce

Online Resources For Your Divorce

Posted to by Jonna Spilbor on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 7:04am

So, you want to know what to expect when you're ending a marriage? Of course you do. While most women enjoy a good suspense novel from time to time, divorce needn't be mysterious.

What women want to know most during the divorce process includes all-important issues like, "What am I entitled to financially?", "Do I need a lawyer?", "How do I avoid becoming an emotional train wreck?" and even, "Are there any nice men out there?" Truth is, divorce is a process with a beginning, middle, and yes, an end.

Fortunately, there are resources available online to assist women with virtually every aspect of the divorce process. Not all websites are created equal, however.

When it comes to researching the legal aspects of divorce, you can save time and energy if you avoid websites that are not "state specific".

What I mean by that is this: If you are divorcing in New York, chances are the only accurate information you will get regarding the laws of divorce, child support, child custody and equitable distribution is by researching your questions at a website specifically geared for your state's particular laws.

The best way to find state specific sources is to first access your state's State Bar website. There, you can usually find links to state-specific court forms and other information.

Another good way to access the targeted information that will be most useful to you is to access website directories that link you to various state-specific information. One such website is

Another comprehensive website that is cognizant of women's need for state specific-information is There you will find state-specific information just a click away.

Divorces are like snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. Therefore, it's best to think of online resources as an educational tool. With careful research and patience, it's more possible than ever before to know the various legal factors that will affect you at every stage of divorce.


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