Financial Records You Will Need to Have Copies Of As You Prepare For Your Divorce

Financial Records You Will Need to Have Copies Of As You Prepare For Your Divorce

As you begin to prepare for your divorce, you will be asked to provide copies of the following items by your attorney.
In the words of one of our members, "when the attorney asks wouldn't it be great if you just reached down and handed the folder to them? The best part? You have enough stress; by gathering this information in advance, at your own pace, that is one large headache you will evade!!!"
- All bank account statements
- All credit card statements
- All brokerage statements
- Net Worth Statement
- Investment Statements
- Mutual Fund statements
- Annuity Statements
- Retirement plans
- Stock Statements of value
- (Pension Plan, Profit Sharing, 401K, IRA, etc.)
- Tax returns for the last 3 years
- Benefit statements of your employer and spouse’s employer
- Copies of all notes signed by you and your husband (Include 1st and 2nd mortgages)
- Homeowner’s insurance policy
- Copy of credit history
- Umbrella liability policy
- Health insurance policies
- Car insurance policies
- Dental Insurance premium
- Long term care insurance policies
- Copies of any guarantees on behalf of others signed by you or your spouse
- Life insurance policies on you, your spouse and children
- Short term disability and long term disability policies on you and your spouse
- Any other insurance policies
- (Mortgage payment, credit life, AAA policy, cancer policy, etc.)
- Any military benefits
- (Obtain from retail merchants and any other applicable agencies)
- Inventory of personal property (written and video)
- Applicable employment contracts
- Copies of buy/sell agreements
- Copies of Partnership Agreements
- Inventory of Lock Box
- Power of Attorney for you and your spouse
- Medical Power of Attorney for babysitters
- Durable Medical Power of Attorney for you and your spouse
- Wills
- Living Wills
- Copies of any Wills or Trusts of which you are the beneficiary (your parents, his parents, other relatives)
- Trusts
- Social Security Benefits Statement
- Pre Nuptial Agreements
- Separation Agreements
- Lease Agreements
- Real Estate Contracts
- Auto Loans
- Applications for Loans
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