Exercise: Is Using A Pedometer A Good Idea?

Exercise: Is Using A Pedometer A Good Idea?

Q: Exercise — Should I use a pedometer to count up my steps? I've seen so many people using them.
A: A pedometer is a great little tool. I use mine whenever I can. Keep it right next to your bed or in your closet so that you can attach it as soon as you get dressed in the morning. This way you can count your steps throughout the day and see how active you are; 10,000 steps a day is the target goal for an active person. The pedometer is also a great personal trainer because you'll be motivated when you look down and only see 800 steps. I say use one and have a good walk!
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and use of this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Before starting this or any exercise program, please consult with your physician. Should you experience any irregular physical conditions such as dizziness, severe muscle or joint pain, pain in your chest, or should any other symptoms appear, consult with your physician immediately. First Wives World LLC and the producers assume no responsibility for improper use of this exercise program or any injury that may result.
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