Exercise: Should I Run On A Sore Knee?

Exercise: Should I Run On A Sore Knee?

Q: Exercise — I ran a little yesterday and today my knee is a little sore. If it's still sore tomorrow do you think it's okay to run on it?
A: Running is a great exercise to burn calories and to improve your cardiovascular system but it's also incredibly hard on your joints. You place almost three times your body weight down every time your foot lands. My advice is not to run on a sore knee. Ice it and walk until it feels better.
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and use of this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Before starting this or any exercise program, please consult with your physician. Should you experience any irregular physical conditions such as dizziness, severe muscle or joint pain, pain in your chest, or should any other symptoms appear, consult with your physician immediately. First Wives World LLC and the producers assume no responsibility for improper use of this exercise program or any injury that may result.
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