4 Tips for Face Lifts after Night Falls

4 Tips for Face Lifts after Night Falls

Maybe it’s hormonal. I don’t know about you, but at 3 AM I’m wide-awake and e-mailing my friends who are also — boiing! — awake and shopping online.
Rumor has it that sleep-deprivation leads to weight gain, general crankiness, and an urge to splurge on expensive designer bags you’d never buy in the cold light of day. I doubt that’s true, but Madonna and Martha Stewart famously get by on almost no sleep — and they seem slim and on top of their game. But, yes, they are well put-together, come to think of it…
When I do finally doze-off, I’m still multi-tasking and de-aging with these four ingredients:
Prescriptives Good In Bed Restoring Night Moisturizer ($65 at prescriptives.com)
A super-charged hybrid hydrator/subtle self-tanner that smoothes with shea butter and vitamin E, you wake up looking like you’ve been on vacation for weeks.
Rogaine for Men ($29.99 at drugstore.com) dabbed on my skimpy outer eyebrows with a Q-tip
A top NYC dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman, suggested this to me as a possible way to regrow my overplucked brows... and it works! (But ask your own dermatologist first before your try)
John Frieda Frizz-Ease Crème Serum Overnight Repair ($9.99 at your local drugstore)
Work a gumball-size glob through dry hair before bed to restore a silk texture. It won’t leave any residue on pillows or sheets and makes-over crispy fried hair by dawn.
Hanro long black cotton slip-style nightgown ($124 at saksfifthavenue.com)
Sexy yet sweet and impervious to hot-flashes (and non-see-thru so you can even get the mail in it!)
Lois Joy Johnson is the former Beauty & Fashion Director of MORE magazine
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