Don't Apologize For Loving Your Freedom

Don't Apologize For Loving Your Freedom

Posted to by Maryann Kelly on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 7:49am

I remember sitting in a doctors reception area before I was divorced and reading an article called the Secret Perk of Being Divorced. My marriage was hanging by a thread at the time and I was very sad about the idea of having a broken family. The author was recently divorced and wrote about the wonderful feeling of having a whole weekend to herself while the kids were with their dad. Ironically, she wrote he rarely made time for the kids when they were married, but was now spending every other weekend doing everything from making pancakes to baths at night.

Something clicked in me when I read that article, and I started to focus on the ways my life would improve if my marriage failed. One of the things I looked forward to the most was more quiet time to read and journal. I also looked forward to being able to talk on the phone with my friends, and have long conversations or simply silly conversations without him wanting me to get off the phone or have judgment about what we were talking about.

When we did ultimately divorce, one thing that I was able to do again was take long workouts on Saturday morning and have long lunches with friends. I have always needed a lot of time to spend with my girlfriends and to replenish my soul in nature working out. I look forward to that time every weekend, and could not imagine my life with out it.

I often get asked if I am dating, and while I love men and miss sex a lot, I am now even more particular about the people with whom I spend time. I love my children and am so fulfilled taking care of them. I love my freedom and ability to see friends and spend time alone. I have asked myself if something is wrong with me because I have not gotten into another serious relationship or marriage in the last few years. Truth is, I love the ability to come and go with the kids as I want. I am so happy. I am not weird, just protective of my time.

Do not apologize for enjoying your freedom in divorce, and do not feel pressure to date or jump into another serious relationship. It could cost you so much. As my twice-divorced colleague one shared with me, "If you think you made a mistake in your first marriage...try rushing into a second". The point she was making was that the second time around could be even a bigger mistake — a risk I do not take lightly.



I totally agree with you. One

I totally agree with you. One should never apologize for wanting to enjoy their freedom. It is something that could seem to be a little bit of a silver lining when going through a divorce.


Divorced people do tend to realize that they have more free time to themsleves when they finally get through the casino-en-ligne all the bad emotions of it all.

I totally agree with you. Who

I totally agree with you. Who wants to jump into another relationship so quickly after a disastrous failed one?!!! I encourage all women to not marry. If they do, get a pre nup and spell out financial responsibilities if the marriage should fail. Address college expenses for the children. Address paying the mortgage. Otherwise you will lose your life's savings. Keep separate bank accounts. Get your own health care. You can bet our California courts fail most spouses in long term marriages. Alimony? Good luck. My ex actually got a job as a bailiff in a family court before he took our family to the cleaners all while getting "creative" with finances. By then there was little I could do to save my assets. It is after all a good old boys network. What is the benefit of marrying? I lost my home ($750,000), my savings($60,000+), my kids' college savings($20,000), and my trust to a guy who didn't exist. Ask me if my ex was in a position to pay the mortgage. Or help with college expenses. My children are devastated. Who knew what kind of man their father would become? I no longer make excuses for his inability to be decent. As time goes on he continues to make decisions that are borderline mentally ill. I am grateful I don't have AIDS and that I no longer live near him. I feel sorry for my children. They still deal with him. I know at some point they will understand it is no longer healthy to be a part of his life. Finances? I am glad they are now my own.

Great blog! Great timing!

Great blog! Great timing! This is my first night without my kids. They are staying at their dads for the first time this weekend. I am sad, but not miserable. During my marriage, I never had time for me. I am going to try and enjoy these childless weekends. Thanks!!

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