What To Wear On The First Date, The Second Time Around

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What To Wear On The First Date, The Second Time Around

with Sharon Haver

Posted to by Debbie Nigro on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 8:00am

Are you the type to turn your closet inside out looking for something appropriate to wear on a date? Before you turn into a human tornado, watch this webisode as Debbie gets some invaluable advice from fashion stylist Sharon Haver. You'll never look into a full closet with the anxious thought "I have nothing to wear!" again.

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Updating the Wardrobe

I am a twice divorced man who is back on the scene dating again. I've found that the wardrobe was one of the things that first needs to be cleaned out or at least filtered before I re-entered the dating world. I believe this is true for women as well as men. Fashions tend to change over time and while last year's fashions are not bad to re-wear from a man's perspective, things that are 5-10 years old may be. After my divorce, I went through my closet and removed the pants that didn't fit quite right and removed shirts (and other things) that were a little tight, faded, or showed wear and tear. I replaced some of my clothes with modern fashions which the vibrant colors/patterns looked "new" as apposed to looking comfortable, well worn and have a history. Even garments as simple as a green polo, looks better newer than an older and worn, green polo. I have separated my newer "dating" clothes from my normal clothes, since an entire wardrobe replacement is too costly to venture into at this time, but the fresh look is ready when the time is right for it. Since my clothes are newer and looks better on me, I've also found my self-confidence and self-esteem have improved. Since the first impression most people will have of you is when they see you, having outfits that fit and are trendy and appropriate will help to make a good one.

Be simple and Yourself

Stick with unfussy basics, and by that we mean outfits you don’t have to worry yourself silly over potential wardrobe malfunctions. The tried and true pieces that have seen you through other stressful periods where you wanted to make a good impression will not desert you, (unless of course, you desert your clothes on his bedroom floor). The less time you spend fidgeting with frilly bits is more time you can spend getting to know your date and have a chat and a laugh.

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