Sleeping With A Guest

I don't know what came over me but I decided to open my bed to her last night. Maybe I needed the companionship or the warmth, or maybe I was just feeling unusually charitable. I don't know, because it certainly isn't my style and I'm not bi-curious. I almost forgot I'd done it when I woke up this morning.

I rolled over to check the alarm clock and felt a long, lean form in the covers next to me. She let out a gentle sigh and arched her back. The activities of last night came flooding back to me – how I'd agreed to let this happen. I reached over and stroked her silky hair. She stretched again, this time fully, her arms over her head, and she turned and gazed into my eyes.

It was probably her eyes that made me do it. She has golden eyes. I have never seen eyes like hers before, but they melt me whenever I stare too deeply into them. I pushed her long silky locks behind her ears and she cuddled in close to me. It was, well, nice.

She rolled over so her back was to my chest and I pulled her close. Maybe this is all I need. Her. Her love and her golden eyes and silky locks. As I say good morning, she leaned back and kissed my face and then my neck and then she got up on all fours and hit me in square in the face with her paw.

Okay,  maybe I might need more in my life than a one-year-old, long-haired German shepherd named Bess. Maybe I actually need to get a life!



Very entertaining story with a nice twist!

Thank You

Thank You Icurn. Nice to see you found me here!
Glad you enjoyed this piece,


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