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Wanted: NYC Girl Who Doesn't Shop

Posted to House Bloggers by Vicky Emerson on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 4:15pm
I tried. I really, really tried. I went shopping twice in Manhattan last week and lasted a total of an hour on both trips. I made two purchases — a white shirt and a black shirt. Very exciting, right?

I'm a basics kind of dresser. I think it's the Minnesota Scandinavian in me. We tend to steer away from flashy.

Now that I living and dating in New York, I love to see what people are wearing even if it's something I could never pull off. However, when I try to mix in new and exciting fashion trends into my wardrobe, I wind up with yet another black shirt!

Am I missing a gene? Is it just a phase? I'm not sure exactly what to do. I have friends who can look at my closet and pull together outfits that I would have never imagined go together. It's certainly helpful, but it also makes me feel like a fool.

How is it that I don't see the potential stellar outfit just sitting in my closet waiting patiently for me to become fashion savvy?

Please tell me I'm not alone!

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