Well, I have had the pleasure of blogging for First Wives World for nearly a year now and this is my last post. I will miss your comments, insights, honesty, and stories. I believe in the mission of FWW to foster a community for women who are survivors of divorce. As I prepare for my second wedding, I have had the opportunity to reflect on my life through my weekly contributions.
The one piece of wisdom that I am the most sure of is that the time after your divorce is crucial for self-discovery and inner happiness. Look in the mirror and ask, "Who am I and what do I want?" Then, go find the answers. Uncovering the mysteries within ourselves is a unique process for each individual. But the end result is beautiful — realizing your truest self.
You don't have to cater to anyone or try to mold yourself into something because of an unrealistic expectation. Be yourself. Respect and love yourself. Because as soon as you realize who you are and own it, that is when others — male and female — begin responding to YOU. Not to someone you are trying to be, but the person you really are. You don't have to pretend anymore. You can be yourself and those around you will love you for it.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your life and if you'd like to stay in touch, please visit my Web site or my MySpace page.
What Others Have Shared ()
You will be missed- and yet,
Goodbye, CM
Its OK to be me ... I ove it!
Thanks, Mary
You'll be back...
swallow the bitter pill
i just won $5 from a friend..
i agree with some of what he's saying...
Okay, hold the fort!
I agree....apologizing....
Okay, Mr. "$5 bet" -- what kind of woman am I?
ahh, a product of divorce...
No, thank you...!
what's the point
Goodbye and good luck!
Congratulations, Vicky on your upcoming marriage, and Good luck!
Wow---Glad to see I'm not the only one who saw through Mr. Nasty