It's always hard deciding which family to spend each holiday with. Thanksgiving is not so big in my family, since we focus more on the Jewish holidays. Who would have thought that less than a year later so much would change?
My sister-in-law, Shari, is due with her first child any day now. Rather than have her sit in traffic and be far from the hospital, I offered to host Thanksgiving at my apartment. I've never really cooked for my family, although it's one of my passions, so I cooked for two days straight and made a huge dinner.
It was a small group — just my parents, me, my brother and sister-in-law and my grandfather and his girlfriend. It was cozy, intimate, and exactly what I needed after making it through my second wedding anniversary only a few days prior. I made my family proud and it made me realize how very lucky I am to have such a supportive and loving family.
After a few stressful weeks and a bit of self-pity, I am ready to continue moving forward. Over dessert, my family made an executive decision that Thanksgiving would take place in my home every year. A new tradition was started and it made me feel wonderful. It was a tradition that was formed after my split from Steve. It was a tradition that I will never have to look back on as another event that we shared together. It was just what I needed.
What Others Have Shared ()
Good For You
Good for you. Now it's your turn in every way. Your destiny is in your hands. This was obviously the first step of change, embrace it and go forth to your new lifes venture with a clean slate. Don't look back.
It's hard not to look back
It's hard not to look back just don't dwell on the past. I'm sure you had lots of good times to remember and now maybe you'll have good times to look forward to. Having a supportive family should be cherished, not everyone can say that and obviously you must be carrying the torch of support and and caring. What you did for your sis-in-law Shari was quite touching. Congratulations on soon becoming an aunt.
It's a wonderful feeling
It's a wonderful feeling when we take our own lives into our hands. Congratulations!