I attended the funeral of a very dear friend's grandfather recently. He was 85 years old and he and his wife had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Their love affair lasted longer than most people ever get to experience in their lifetime. They were each other's soul mate and the one great love of each other's lives. He was a wonderful man.
I can't help but wonder what will be said about me when my time comes. Will I have found the one great love of my life? I truly loved Steve and wonder if I will ever love someone as much as I loved him. Will someone consider me the great love of his life? Will I be remembered as a good person? Will I have children and grandchildren who could look back on my life and say that I was a role model for them? Will I be remembered as showing my family how to love unconditionally and being able to teach them that they can do anything that they set their minds to? Will I be able to pass on the values that my parents and grandparents instilled in me?
In 60 years, I will be close to 90 years old if I am still alive. Although realistically that is a lifetime from now, I have often envisioned how I would be eulogized. Would they say, "She lived an unfulfilled life and never had children of her own," or "She was lucky in life but not in love," or "She leaves behind her four cats and two dogs who she adored as if they were her children."
We never know what our future holds for us or when our book will be closed. We never know what chapter of our lives we will get to and how many pages we will fill. I truly feel fortunate for so many things in my life. I'm fortunate for my incredible family, my amazing grandfather, my career, my friends. I truly feel blessed with so much that I have been given and have tried to give back as much as possible. Maybe my cup is full and maybe, just maybe, this should be enough. Anything more would be the icing on the cake. But something more would make me the luckiest person in the world. It would make me complete.
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