I don't get men. I seriously am convinced that they are a completely different breed and that there's no way we'll ever understand them. I never wrote about my New Year's Eve so here's a brief synopsis. My friend Lisa and her boyfriend Dan came with me to meet a small group of friends at Prohibition on the Upper West Side. Dan brought a few friends with him, including Zach, who I'd met a few weeks prior and who is rather good looking.
Zach's mother had passed away less than a week prior and we all wanted to make sure he had a good time. We hung out the entire night and he was extremely charming. Our group dwindled and he and I stayed until the bar closed. He made me feel beautiful and complimented me the entire night. He insisted that we see each other again, and confessed that he could see himself falling for me. Obviously I was skeptical and had no expectations, especially knowing what he is currently going through. And we had also just met. But he was Dan's best friend so regardless, I assumed he was a good guy.
When we parted ways — the following morning — I was a bit surprised that he didn't ask for my number. It's always a bit awkward the morning after, so I figured he'd ask Dan for my number since he'd suggested plans during the week. He didn't call and he didn't ask Dan for my number.
So I see Zach at Dan's a while later, and I say hello but don't stay around to chat. I knew he was going through a lot and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. A little bit later I saw him put on his coat to leave. I suggested that he stay for a little to hang out and he said he had to be up early the next morning and that we'd see each other again. I couldn't help myself and said "Considering you didn't ask for my number, I highly doubt that we'll be seeing each other".
Maybe it was not the most appropriate comment and yes, he obviously has more on his mind than calling me. But I kind of also felt like an idiot. I foolishly assumed that the best friend of my friend's boyfriend would actually call, considering the relationship and that we'd obviously be out together for different functions. I guess that means nothing anymore. Apparently the reason he left early was because he felt uncomfortable. If there's any truth to that, I guess he can only blame himself.
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We call that "crawfishing" in New Orleans