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Nap Time For Grown-ups

Posted by Michelle Rosenthal on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 12:00pm

Shawn was away for the weekend and called me when he got back to see if we were still on for dinner last night. After spending the entire night in the hospital and not sleeping, I was exhausted.

I wanted to see him but explained that I was extremely tired and wanted to see if I could interest him in nap time. He thought it sounded like a great idea. He came over, gave me a big hug and kiss and told me I looked beat. We literally slept for two hours. It was very much needed and it was nice to lay there in his arms.

When we woke up, he asked if I was motivated enough to go out for dinner. We both were so comfortable that we decided to order in sushi and open a bottle of wine. It was a really relaxing evening — I am definitely enjoying spending time with him. He's warm, he's funny and he treats me well. I do, however, need to be wary since I know how he feels about getting married and having children.

He gives every indication that he likes me. Before he left, we made plans to have dinner the following week. He was leaving for a bachelor party and we were both booked for the beginning of the week. Although I'm dating other people — which we have not discussed — I have spent more time with him than anyone else since Steve. I'm kind of liking him.

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