He waved, I waved, and then he walked over to the treadmill to run while I continued to work out. I figured he'd at least come over and say hello, considering he left my hotel room 36 hours before.
Maybe he didn't want to interrupt me. Maybe I caught him off guard. Maybe he had a bad day at work and just wanted to sweat it out. We both work in finance, and market conditions have been tense, so anything could be possible.
I didn't look my best, but I definitely didn't look terrible enough for him to think "Hmmm, that's not what she looked like in a dress." I mean he did see me without makeup when he stayed over!
I don't know if I'm upset. I personally hate talking to people at the gym, since it extends my time there way too much.
My friends have different opinions. Some say that if he was really interested, he would've come over. Others say they hate talking to people at the gym, so they don't blame him. The rest say it could be either of those, plus a million others.
I thought we had a fun time together. We definitely had great chemistry, and I know he was attracted to me even after he knew he wasn't getting in my pants that night.
Sometimes, I feel too old to be wondering what someone else's motives are. I guess thinking "I'm sure he'll call, since he works with my friend" and "He wouldn't have asked for my number if he wasn't planning on using it" doesn't really provide credibility anymore.
It seems no matter how old I get, the motto "boys will be boys" will always hold true.
What Others Have Shared ()
Who knows? I just don't
Who knows? I just don't think that men are that calculating. He was working out and that was his focus. Try not to read too much into it. If he's interested, he'll call. meanwhile.... don't dwell on it. You are fabulous whether a man is interested in you or not!