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Giving Up On Prince Charming

Posted to House Bloggers by Michelle Rosenthal on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 4:00pm
I haven't been sleeping. I was never a great sleeper but it's getting worse.

I'm overworked and underslept. I toss and turn and lie awake for hours. It's 2 a.m.and I'm still awake. It seems to be a pattern for me. Deep down, I know the reasons. I'm constantly on a schedule and I feel like I am failing myself.

I've tried so hard to stop. I meet the wrong people, I have a high stress job, and I can't seem to lose the extra weight that I put on — and I've never been on a diet in my life before until recently.

I don't want to go to sleep because I don't want to wake up and feel like a failure one more day. It's like Groundhog Day for me. I wake up looking like I got run over by a truck and drag myself to work. I love my job, but it's intense.

I get home late after a long day at the office, class, or a workout when I have time. I catch up on my personal life and attempt to go to bed. And then it happens again — I can't sleep. Is this what I should expect for the rest of my life?

Why do I set such high expectations for myself? Have I over-promised and under-delivered? My fairy tale ended and there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Maybe we need to stop thinking that every story is supposed to have a happy ending. Maybe we need to stop telling ourselves that there is such thing as Prince Charming. Maybe we need to stop thinking that things should be a certain way. Or maybe we just need to realize that we are the masters of our own destiny. Maybe our happily ever after is going to be different than what we expected.

And just maybe that's not so bad.

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