He's very sweet, very cute and very young. He came into the city last night and we went to dinner. We talked for hours and had a really good time. I learned so much about him and he definitely shared a lot with me.
Some things I wish he didn't tell me. He still lives at home. His grandparents basically raised him and he likes that he is taken care of. Someone makes his bed, does his laundry, cooks for him — it almost felt like I was talking to Tom Hanks' character in the movie Big. I guess we won't be having any sleepovers at his house!
We had a good time together though, and I guess in a way it was refreshing to be out with someone who doesn't have a care in the world. Is it true that innocence is bliss?
He asked me if I was divorced. I assumed one of my family members must have told him but he said no. He said he couldn't understand why I was single and figured that divorce had to be the only explanation. I guess I was flattered.
What I couldn't understand was why he was interested in taking out a 29-year-old divorced woman. I'm not going to overanalyze it though — I am definitely in need of a fun distraction right now.
What Others Have Shared ()
A Big failure to launch guy?
Ignorance = Bliss.
Your right just enjoy the time. Who cares why, maybe he's looking for some maturity. I've noticed there are a lot immature gals running around. Have fun while he's there...
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call your grandma