I'm happy. I really am. I have a wonderful family, a great job, a beautiful home, fabulous friends, etc. I know that I am blessed. That's why I can't figure out why it is, that lately, I have this overwhelming urge to just break down and cry.
Actually, at this particular moment, there is nothing that I'd like more than to get in some comfy PJs, wrap myself up in a down comforter, and spend the day crying.
But, I don't have time for such things.
Maybe that's what this is about. I don't seem to have time for anything anymore. I don't have time to take a shower. I don't have time to eat. I don't have time to clean. I don't have much time to talk to my fabulous friends or my wonderful family. Hell, I barely have time to think. And when I do have time to think, all I think about is how many things I have to do.
I start thinking about all of the shit that Levi left sitting in my lap. All of the unpaid bills, for one. And while I'm off working my ass off to pay all of those bills, and to provide our son with such luxuries as health insurance, food, clothing, shelter and, okay, the occasional toy, Levi is off, NOT WORKING, in California and providing himself with such luxuries as, SUVs, expensive dinners, Armani clothing, etc. etc. etc.
And you know what else gets me? Levi has time to take a shower. Levi has time for dates. Levi has time to eat. Levi has time to talk to his insane family.
Of course, when I start thinking of this, I get angry. He isn't around to direct my anger at so, on occasion, I direct it at myself. Anger turned inwards is the definition of depression.
I don't think that I'm depressed, though. I think that I'm overtired, overworked, and pissed off.
I try my hardest to forgive Levi for what he's doing on a daily basis. I feel like I know that deep down, he's a good person. I feel that I know that he is just terribly lost.
I'm having a harder time doing that lately, and the words, "I hate him" keep slipping out of my mouth.
But maybe I'm really just angry with myself, because truthfully, after all of this, I still don't think I hate him, but I think that I should.
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Plate Overflow
You're right...
God, I feel the same way!