Levi sent money, but he didn't send what he said he was going to send. He sent me two hundred dollars — and misspelled my name on the check! Two hundred dollars! It was almost insulting.
Wait. No. It is insulting.
Adrian's day care costs two hundred and fifty dollars a week. Adrian is ten months old, divide two hundred dollars by ten months and that's twenty bucks a month! That's ridiculous.
Then, he called me and asked me to drop the family court action. He said that he sent me two hundred dollars and that I should be "grateful." Grateful- he actually used that word! I almost want send it back to him.
I feel like an idiot. Thinking he was actually coming around. Even now I'm trying to console myself with thoughts like "Well, he half meant it" and "He did offer up a sincere apology."
But it was all a load of BS, an attempt to manipulate me into doing things "his way."
I told him that I would not drop the family court action, but that I'd be sure to tell the judge that he sent two hundred dollars.
Well, at least now I have an answer to my question: Leopards don't change their spots. Ever.
What Others Have Shared ()
Beware... he is poisonous
Beware... he is poisonous and wants you to suffer. Don't give in. He's a bastard.
I think you are dead on about this one. Thank you for your honest insight, its much appreciated--Faith
Reminds me of a story where
Reminds me of a story where a snake asks a woman to pick him up and hold him - he promises not to bite her - she picks him up, he bites her - she says - hey what was that for? - he says - hey, you knew what I was when you picked me up.....a snake is always a snake ....
exactly!! Thanks--Faith
I put up with my ex not