Levi's mom emailed me the other day. She hasn't emailed me since the day after my Adrian was born. It was in that email that she told me that my son was "nothing that I should be proud of" that he "should have never been born" and that I should "give him up for adoption immediately" and that if I didn't, I shouldn't come "crying to them for help." She said all of that, amongst other things.
Needless to say, there was no love lost between the two of us.
So anyway, she emailed me last week, totally out of left field to tell me that she now feels that Adrian should have contact with them (herself and her husband) and she'd like me to bring Adrian to see them on Saturday.
My initial thought was to say something along the lines of f*#k you, you've done nothing but be horrible people for two years. I mean, not only did they condone their son's really shitty behavior but they also allowed us to suffer. They haven't offered a dime in child support to us or an ounce of help.
Seriously, they haven't even bought my son a t-shirt since he's been born, and they are more than capable financially. So when I say they've done nothing, they have really done nothing.
But instead of instantly reacting, I decided to think about it. I decided to think about what was really pissing me off. I came up with this:
Their behavior toward me after Levi left really hurt me.
The fact that they refused to acknowledge my son really hurt me.
The fact that they are more than capable to contribute to my son's life but didn't really hurt me.
The fact that they condoned their son's behavior towards myself and our son really hurt me.
See a lot of me in there?
The conclusion I came up with is that its really all about...me. I'm angry with them because of the way they treated me.
Therefore, it's not fair for me to exclude them from my son's life. It's not fair for me to exclude my son from their lives.
I finally responded and told her that we were busy this weekend but that I would consider meeting her and her daughter (Levi's sister) for lunch, with Adrian. I told them that we'd "take it one step at a time."
I feel good that I've made an unselfish decision; I just hope that it was the right decision.
What Others Have Shared ()
Is this typical behavior?
I think you have use your
Your son
Be careful...
Although i am glad that you
"The conclusion I came up