It's Thanksgiving again, and I can't help but to think about what I was doing last year on this day.
My marriage was falling apart — or it already had fallen apart, and I was still in denial. Levi was in the city and I was upstate. He asked me to come into Manhattan and we would "figure out something to do."
He rented a great hotel room, and we planned on having Thanksgiving dinner at the restaurant downstairs. It was probably the pregnancy hormones — they do funny things to you — but I was actually feeling pretty happy, pretty hopeful. I was still thinking that everything would be OK, that we would work through this.
That afternoon, Levi started to feel sick. He had a slight fever, and said that he felt achy. We decided that we'd have dinner early and take it easy the rest of the evening, maybe just watch a movie. A few hours later, we were getting ready to go. Levi was in the bathroom about to get into the shower, when I heard him scream. Then he started throwing up.
Naturally I went in to see what was wrong. Although I won't go into all the gross details — and they were pretty gross — I can sum it up by saying it was at that exact moment that Levi discovered he had contracted herpes.
He had been online dating and hooking up with random women and you might say, he got what he deserved, although he doesn't feel that way.
This is my memory of Thanksgiving 2006. There I was, almost nine months pregnant, attempting to console my husband because he had contracted herpes while cheating on me. Wow. That memory isn't going to fade anytime soon.
I guess I should sum this up in the classic Thanksgiving, I'm-thankful-for vein. So, here it goes. Obviously I'm thankful that I do not have herpes. I'm thankful that Levi does — it secures my belief in Karma and the universe in general.
I'm thankful for my son and I'm thankful for life in general.
I'm looking forward to making new, not so tragic Thanksgiving memories in the future.
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wow, you dodged a bullet.
wow, you dodged a bullet.
here here ..
Sure did!