How Mediation Works In A Divorce

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How Mediation Works In A Divorce

an extensive interview with attorney and mediator, Rachel Fishman Green

Posted to by First Wives World on Tue, 09/07/2010 - 6:01pm

Mediation can be defined as any strategy or approach to resolving conflict that arrives at a settlement agreeable to the parties involved in a divorce. In divorce mediation, the spouses meet with an impartial third party to reach an agreement regarding child custody and other issues.

In a three part series, Rachel Fishman Green, Esq., an attorney with 13 years of experience as a private divorce and family mediator, provides a detailed explanation of what divorce mediation is and how it works.

Click the following to watch part two of this series: Part 2 of On Mediation

For more information about her services, or to find out more about how mediation works, you can visit:


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