Increase Your Value at the Workplace

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Increase Your Value at the Workplace

Debbie Does Divorce with Robin Bond

Posted to by Debbie Nigro on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 2:55pm

Employers know that divorced women are a great catch because driven by fear and a need for stability, they'll often work a lot harder and for less money. But don’t put yourself on sale! Debbie chats with workplace attorney Robin Bond who shares strategies on how you can increase your value at work. As Debbie says, “You need money honey!” Uh-huh.


Related Content:

Going Back To Work Post-Divorce, a video interview with Lee Miller, co-founder of

Tips on Getting the Job You Want as a Divorced Woman, by Joan Schramm, founder of Momentum Coaching

Top 3 Career Moves for the Just-Divorced, by Joan Schramm, founder of Momentum Coaching

Click the following for an entire list of helpful articles on Career and Pursuits Post Divorce


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