Naomi Dunne
Naomi Dunne

My parents have seven divorces between them. I figured I'd better start early if I was going to beat that, so I married the first person who seemed remotely suitable at 18 and left him four months later. We were Mormon, which in my world explains a lot. Our son, Michael, came before the wedding, and he came with me when I left.
Years went by. I went back to school, met a new man, shacked up, had baby number two, Jack. They say the man determines the gender of the baby, so I'll happily put the blame on the both of them for the complete lack of female company in this house. My boys are homeschooled, although that generally entails Michael telling me that Jack's ripping his books again.
Eight years later, still no divorce.
I work from home with my new "husband" — we call him that for simplicity's sake — in a marketing consultancy business we started. I live in a village-within-a-city where walking down the street with a shaved head and a nursing baby is a perfectly normal thing to do.
My New Years' resolutions this year were to take more baths and figure out where to go from here. (I like resolutions that don't involve exercise or diet modification.) Now that we run a remote business we have more freedom than we ever imagined and this year, we're going to figure out what to do with it. Buy a cabin on the beach? Move to Bali? Stay put and get a cat? It's all on the table and it's all up in the air and despite the chaos, I've never been happier.