M. Gary Neuman
M. Gary Neuman

M. Gary Neuman, licensed mental-health counselor & Florida Supreme-Court-certified mediator
M. Gary Neuman is a licensed mental-health counselor, a Florida Supreme-Court-certified mediator, a rabbi, and the creator of the nationally recognized Sandcastles Program for children of divorce-designed to help kids develop self-expression and problem-solving skills and learn appropriate means of expressing anger and other intense emotions. He is author of Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way (Random House) and Emotional Infidelity: How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage and Other Secrets to a Great Marriage (Crown).
His work has been featured on Oprah, National Public Radio, the Today show, Good Morning America and elsewhere.
My Blogs:
How to Explain Divorce to Your Preschooler
How to Explain Divorce to Your Six to Eight Year Old
How to Explain Divorce to Your Nine to Twelve Your Old
How to Explain Divorce to Your Teen
Your Child is Not a Statistic: The Truth About Divorce Studies