Felicia Brown
Felicia Brown

Felicia Brown, Massage Therapist
Felicia Brown, a licensed massage therapist and spa consultant, is the author of The Sunflower Princess: A Healing Fairy Tale and Reflections of My Heart: A Poetic Journey of Love, Heartbreak and Healing. Felicia has been featured in, quoted by or written for numerous publications incuding Entrepreneur, Spa Magazine, DAYSPA, Skin Inc., Massage Therapy Journal and others.
Felicia, a native of Greensboro, NC, has also recorded a series of relaxation CDs including "Just Breathe: Guided Meditations for Inner Peace", "Just Relax: Easy Relaxation Techniques for a Busy Life", "Goal Setting and Achievement for Career and Personal Success", and "Just Be: Guided Meditations for Healing and Forgiveness".
My Blogs:
Steps to Managing Stress Through Divorce
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