You Are Stronger Than You Think

You Are Stronger Than You Think
You will find happiness post-divorce

Thirteen months ago I began this journey of divorce. I didn't think I could do this in the beginning. I remember thinking a few months into it that I couldn't wait until a year had passed so I would maybe have answers as to where my life was going. I wondered what my feelings would be about my now Ex, or would he wake up and we would find our way back together. Well, a year came and went, and I am more settled, emotionally.
I am not sure where my life is going, but I have goals and am working toward them without feeling crushed everyday. For the most part I am happy. I miss being married. I miss the man I fell in love with, but I do not miss who he became. Things do get better. The problem with divorce, or one of them, is that you cannot really be settled in a years time. Too many things to deal with to get divorced, then the things that go after a divorce, financial and so on, so that you are always dealing with the Ex.
I now wonder if I ever want to be in another relationship. I flirted with the idea a little, but found out I wasn't ready yet. I question if that is because I am not over my Ex, but my daughter says it is only because I have not met the right one yet. Divorce really is a big change in your life, a big growing experience. We want answers, "when will this pain stop, when will this get better?" When, took almost a year for me. It still hurts sometimes. But know that the pain is nothing like it is in the beginning.
In the beginning it is so frightening, we are so insecure, or some of us. But we find strength as we go on that we did not know we had. It is there, you began finding it the day he ended your marriage. You are still standing, you are still moving forward. Rejoice in your strength! So, for all of you just starting out, or a few months in, just know that it does get better. Life has a way of going on, and you are moving forward with it. You will find happiness again. It may be different than the dream you had with your Ex, or stbx, but you will be happy.
The pain will stop.
It has been almost two months
friends with the ex
friends with the ex
I can not be friends with my
I hope you're right. I am
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