Starting Over After Divorce

Starting Over After Divorce
Things I've read that helped me heal

I knew it would take me a year to feel myself again, and it’s been almost exactly that. I feel happy. I feel relieved. I’ve been released from his darkness and now live in my light. I’m single with no immediate plans to change that, and I’m completely content. I still feel a little lonely and miss having a companion, but what I’ve gained is well worth that sacrifice. He took away my “sparkle”, my joy, my love of life, and now I have it back.
I wanted to share some words of wisdom that helped me so much. These things I read and they all resonated with me and helped me heal:
- Happiness can not be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
- Accept your past without regrets. Handle your present with Confidence and face your future without fear.
- Life changes, we move on. We discover that we are beautiful, smart, witty, strong and capable. We learn that we never have to step behind a partner in order for them to make a decision that we may not agree with any more. We become savvy in ways and means that we never had to even try... we discover that we have arts and talents in areas we never would have dreamed.
- Don’t look back, turn around and face ahead, feel the sun on your face and walk into your future. Make your plans now, this is your life and it's good...
- "Love appropriately", which I believe means that we are to give and place our precious love where it will count. Where it will make a difference. You can never (and no other woman will be able to either) love him enough to stop him cheating; cheating is a fun game for many men. It is a very, very hard thing to face the reality that some people are simply incapable of returning love, or respecting our love, or honoring our love. We are supposed to love each other, but we are not supposed to waste our love. If you were planting flower seeds, would you stand in the middle of a large cement patio and scatter the seeds on the cement and then expect the seeds to sprout and grow and produce pretty flowers? No, you would find some nice soil and create a spot for the seeds to grow.
- To love is to give all you have to give and still want to give more. To lust is to take all there is to take and still want to take more.
- Love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to.
- It's important to always look at a relationship and ask yourself, "What's it costing me to be in this relationship?" If you totally lose yourself in it, then the cost is too high.
- Holding on to anger is like holding on to a piece of hot coal ~ the only person getting hurt is you.
- Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
You’ll live to love another day
Yesterday’s a closing door
And you don’t live there anymore
So say goodbye to where you’ve been
And tell your heart to beat again - Take a deep breath and then another. This is where your life is right now and you have choices. You are in a position that you do not want but you can take charge of where you are headed and make it good. Your days with your ex are not wasted, they are life's lessons with someone who was only there for a season. You have grown, you are growing. You will get through this. This is called the anger stage of grieving, it doesn't last forever but you can make it last longer or less ~ it's your call...
- Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
The Last 4 years of my LIfe.....
Thank you for this
In November it will be one
Thank you for this today. I
I hope I can follow it.
Stay strong!
Starting Over After Divorce
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