Rebuilding Relationships Between The Custodial Parent And Young Adult Children

Rebuilding Relationships Between The Custodial Parent And Young Adult Children

Posted to by First Wives World on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 7:39am

A new support group to help women (or men) whose young adult children have minimized contact with them (or disconnected completely) after having had a very good relationship with you (the custodial parent) and then moving to the other parent's after friction developed at home.

How much do you pursue contact? How much outright rejection do you take without speaking up about being hurt?

Do you just wait it out and give them "space?" Do you encourage their expressing all their pent-up anger at you for the divorce, even tho' you did not initiate it?

Is there anyone else out there who is trying to decide how much to "push" for contact with a young adult child who, after leaving to live with father nearby, refuses to speak with you after living with you for the 3 years just following the Ex's walkout for another woman?


Speaking from personal

Speaking from personal experience, it depends on your family history. If your ex spouse went to war to destroy you before, during and after the divorce, then your child going to live with such a person can only mean, this is the ex spouse's way of continuing to hurt you. It has more to do with getting the child/children on their side and leaving the other parent out in the cold. Very rarely can such a person provide a constructive parenting structure for your young adult child/children. They will let the child/children get away with all sorts because that is the only way they can offer an alternative to the boundaries and responsibilities you are trying to teach your young adult child to prepare them for becoming a capable and responsible member of society. In such a case as this one, don't push or force your way into their lives but be sure your child knows, you will always love them and you will always be there for them if they need you. Stay present in your child's life by leaving supportive messages where you are not showing you are hurt they chose to go live with the other parent. Your child needs to know that you respect their right to choose to live with the other parent and their right to develop a relationship with the other parent. Share happy and light information about your life and always end with I love you. Don't beg or plead for a meet up or a visit. Your child knows where you live and will come to see you when they are ready. Sometimes our children have to live it to learn it and telling them something is not a good idea won't stop them from trying it. If your child/children become abusive towards you when you have contact with them, make it clear you will not tolerate being disrespected or abused by them or anyone else, for that matter. Sometimes our children get sucked into seeing us and treating us the same way they have seen their other parent behave towards us. Draw some boundaries and stick to them. Being there for your child does not mean you have to put up with your child becoming your ex's mouthpiece. If direct communication such as, telephone calls, leads to hurtful things being said or are being intercepted by the ex, then find other avenues to communicate. Social networking media provides all sorts of ways to stay in touch. If you have supportive and loving extended family who have had a close relationship with your child, it is good for your child to know, to receive loving and supportive messages from them as well. The fear of having to face the criticism of the extended family of the abandoned parent can often leave a young adult child locked into the choice they have made. Stubborness and pride weigh heavily on the mind of a young person who has made a decision they later regret. Knowing everyone is ok with them can help with the reconciliation. Use the time your child is away from you to work on you. There are plenty of books to help parents with letting their children make their own choices and growing from the experience. Find other avenues to channel your energies and to take the focus off your longing and hurt. A busy life and life well lived can do wonders for your healing. Sometimes you may be in too much pain to cope with things on your own and in your own time. Find a therapist and a support group for parents who are estranged from their children. Use this form of support to work through the old and current hurt in your life. It is never too late to address some of the pain caused by the divorce and how this has affected you and your absent child/children. Even our own family history can have a lot to do with the way we handle our relationships with our child/children and the ex spouse. These situations can take time to come right so be ready for slow and gradual progress mixed in with some setbacks. The good thing is our children do grow up and hopefully the years of loving and nurturing them will count for something at some point in their adult lives. Hang in there.

My ex is doing the same.

My ex is doing the same. Throwing money at our young adult children who are both at university. They didn't and still don't want anything to do with him and wouldn't even give him their contact details. He has done everything to drive me into poverty and homelessness by hiding money during the divorce and witholding money after the divorce. He is a nasty excuse of a human being and yet here he is now, worming his way in, still trying to drive the children to turn their backs on me. It is not working and it will not work because our children went through the same hell I did both during the marriage and after the divorce. The children know his sudden genoristy is part of his ongoing battle to maintain control over my life. Nothing to lose sleep over. Funny how he throws money around at the children, only when he has contact with family or friends who ask him uncomfortable questions, about his relationship with his children. As for your case guest above; him having the other woman in the picture will have a lot to do with making it easier for your children to overlook what their father has done. He has very likely painted himself as a victim to his new wife and she in turn is on a crusade to help him get back all he claims you took from him (children included). She is guiding him and instructing him on what to do and how to do in order to get back in your children's good books. Left to his own devises he would be exposed in a heartbeat. An abusive man is bad news in his own right but a duped second wife can be even more vicious than the man she believes she is protecting. They only learn when the abuser turns on them once he loses the ability to terrorise his ex wife. This can only happen when the ex wife establishes a new life for herself, full of peace and happiness and finds a way to not care what her ex gets up to. Focus on this and enjoy your children when they are with you. As long as your children love you and respect you, let him do what he will. Once he realises, his attempts at marginalising you from your children is not affecting you, he will turn his attention onto his new victim. The very same woman he will have been using as a weapon against you. Do what you have to do to have money coming in. Struggling financially hurts but it could be worse. You could still be married to him, waiting for him to love you and respect you, whilst he chips away at you and turns you into a self doubting mess. You are no longer tied to him but free to live your life as you please, enjoying the simple things in life, without him making you feel guilty. Focus on the good things in your life and be kind to yourself.

adult children

Our divorce was awful my xh had a classic midlife crisis lied lied lied said he was leaving because " he loved me but wasnt in love with me" He went to his mothers house. He never went there not really my xmil was in on whole thing there was ow all along the daughter in law she had always wanted. I was devastated it got really awful I maintained my dignity and did everything to protect young adults. I have had very hard 5 years and now xh is making in roads to rekindling his relationship with adult children ie taking 21 year old daughter and 18 year old son on holiday ow now is wife will be there. This is so so hard i have made right noises with kids but feel so hurt . What can I do? What should i do? The kids have been supportive, selfish behaviour issues i have been through so much without ex support he does whatever he can to make it worse throws money at kids doesnt pay support. Yet kids are building relationship with him and her. I need wisdom and some understanding please

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