Rebuilding Relationships Between The Custodial Parent And Young Adult Children

Rebuilding Relationships Between The Custodial Parent And Young Adult Children

A new support group to help women (or men) whose young adult children have minimized contact with them (or disconnected completely) after having had a very good relationship with you (the custodial parent) and then moving to the other parent's after friction developed at home.
How much do you pursue contact? How much outright rejection do you take without speaking up about being hurt?
Do you just wait it out and give them "space?" Do you encourage their expressing all their pent-up anger at you for the divorce, even tho' you did not initiate it?
Is there anyone else out there who is trying to decide how much to "push" for contact with a young adult child who, after leaving to live with father nearby, refuses to speak with you after living with you for the 3 years just following the Ex's walkout for another woman?
Speaking from personal
My ex is doing the same.
adult children
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