My Stages Of Divorce

My Stages Of Divorce

Stage 1: Denial. This couldn't be happening to me. Surprise attack on me. Didn't see it coming, or did I?
Stage 2: Sadness. Being divorced at 60. What the hell am I going to do?
Stage 3: Depressed. No energy. Hopelessness. No self esteem. Do not pour yourself into a wine bottle! I tried that, fell and broke my front two teeth, which cost me $1000.00. Not funny, but if I sent you a picture you would probably be laughing! I am ok with that!
Stage 4: Recognizing you need help. That's why we are here. But really, get professional help if you can.
Stage 5: Obtain a good attorney. Do your research.
Stage 6: Listen to your attorney. Please don't get wrapped up in your emotions. Giving in to the first settlement that he offers will not bring him back, nor will it take care of you and your children (if u have any).
Stage 7: Anger but controlled anger! You don't need to call your 18 year-old son to come get you out of jail because you slashed the tires on your STBX's car that was parked outside of hoochie mamas house. No ladies, I did not attempt this and neither should you (is anyone nodding there head on this one?)
Stage 8: Acceptance. You can't control or change how someone feels. I want to be with someone that loves me, not someone that doesn't.
I hope I can help you, as I'm sure I will be asking for your help.
Be strong my friends. Until my next post! Catty
I Loved Every Word You Said
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