My classes started a few days ago and I was pleasantly surprised. All of this time I've been thinking — or rather, stressing out — that I may have gotten in over my head. "Taking 12 credits over the summer is highly ambitious," said the advisor. "Are you sure you're going to be able to fit it all in?" she asked.
I have a tendency to do that. I get excited about something and really overload myself. I like to get a jump on things. I like to finish first.
These classes are going to be relatively easy, though. The professors are really great, the coursework is interesting to me, and now, I'm really excited.
I was talking to a new friend about Adrian yesterday. I told her how looking back, I don't know how I've done what I've done so far.
It seems almost unbelievable to me now that I gave birth, took care of an infant, moved around and have been working full time, all by myself. I don't know how I did it. I do know that now, as a result, I am a coffee addict. But hey, whatever gets you through, right?
But the truth is, I do know how I did it. I wanted to do it.
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hold on to this feeling.