One of my favorite things to do when the weather starts getting colder is cook. Now, I'm actually a really horrible cook, but I do know how to make soup. Homemade soup. I don't recall where I picked it up from, but its pretty easy, it makes the house smell nice, and it's delicious.
Yesterday, Adrian and I made homemade chicken soup. Well, actually, Adrian kind of watched in awe as I danced around the kitchen — in an effort to make things interesting for him I dance around — chopping up veggies and singing. It was a blast, and we both enjoyed our soup.
Today we are making split pea soup. I let him pour the peas into the pot. He loved it! We did the same thing again — dancing, singing, giggling and smiling.
I love being a mother — I love my son with a veracity that I didn't even know existed. He really is my heart, and every time I look at him I am reminded that he is the something great that came out of this whole tragic mess.
I love our days together, and so look forward to every second we get to spend together. Its days like this that I am reminded that I needn't search for the perfect man, I already have him.
What Others Have Shared ()
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Faith......Jeanne
Thanks for remembering jeanne!...Love, Faith
But your COURT DATE!!
That was on the 19th ~ what happened?!
There's a bit of a 'lag' time between posts---keep reading!