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It's Time For Soup

Posted to House Bloggers by Faith Eggers on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 8:00am
Its been raining for days and I'm loving it. Sometimes its nice to have an excuse to to stay in and be lazy, to be cozy.

One of my favorite things to do when the weather starts getting colder is cook. Now, I'm actually a really horrible cook, but I do know how to make soup. Homemade soup. I don't recall where I picked it up from, but its pretty easy, it makes the house smell nice, and it's delicious.

Yesterday, Adrian and I made homemade chicken soup. Well, actually, Adrian kind of watched in awe as I danced around the kitchen — in an effort to make things interesting for him I dance around — chopping up veggies and singing. It was a blast, and we both enjoyed our soup.

Today we are making split pea soup. I let him pour the peas into the pot. He loved it! We did the same thing again — dancing, singing, giggling and smiling.

I love being a mother — I love my son with a veracity that I didn't even know existed. He really is my heart, and every time I look at him I am reminded that he is the something great that came out of this whole tragic mess.

I love our days together, and so look forward to every second we get to spend together. Its days like this that I am reminded that I needn't search for the perfect man, I already have him.

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