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As Imperfect As I Am, I'm Perfect

Posted to House Bloggers by Faith Eggers on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 5:30pm
These last few days have been nuts!

Despite all of my usual daily drama/trauma involving Levi, I also have a million — okay, actually four — projects that I'm trying to get off the ground.

To accomplish this, I've got a gazillion — okay, another exaggeration — meetings a day. My phone is ringing non stop, my inbox is jammed full — loaded with personal e-mails and with business e-mails.

It's great that my projects are getting so much attention, but damn I suddenly feel like there needs to be at least three of me! Then, to top it off, I got dreadfully sick — sinus infection and strep throat — could barely move, and still had to take care of Adrian. What a mess!

Has anyone ever tried to be three places at once, take care of a baby, and be sick, all at the same time? I never have before, and its not something I'd like to try again! I have a whole new respect for single mothers now. Wait, scratch that — for mothers in general.

Anyway, with all the madness, the phone calls, meetings and e-mails, comes progress. With all the progress comes accomplishment, and finally, a new found sense of self. I'm so glad I've finally taken these steps. Steps that I believe, if I Levi and I had stayed together, would never have been taken. For that, I am truly grateful.

So it seems as if the universe does have a plan, that perhaps everything does happen for a reason. I have discovered a strength in myself that I didn't ever realize existed.

I am only just beginning to live up to my full potential. Funny how sometimes it takes something so traumatic to open our eyes, and finally allow ourselves to realize that we are perfect, as imperfect as we are.

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