For example, last night I had a dream that I was driving with the baby in the back seat. Suddenly my car started revving and bucking then sputtering and it died in the middle of the road.
I reached for my cell phone — remember this is a dream — and there was no service. Adrian started crying, I went to give him a bottle, and it was empty. It was then that I decided to try to fix the car myself — this is how you can be absolutely sure I was dreaming!
Suddenly, I morphed into a mom/mechanic, discovered that my timing belt — I don't even really know what that is — was broken, and somehow miraculously fixed it. I woke up exhausted. Don't you hate it when that happens?
The night before that, I had a dream that it started snowing. We turned on the TV and the weatherman was predicting six feet of snow. I stood on the porch and watched the snow fall in a panic, realizing that I would have to shovel out in the morning.
I must admit it was nice having a man around to take care of these sorts of things. Today I think I'll search the Life section for "Husband For Hire" Ads.