I had a fun reunion in Dallas with a divorced gal pal I just love. We caught up over lunch about everything including her social life. They're either looking' for a nurse or a purse, she said point blank. I spit out my soup. When she told me her sister just sent her and her contractor a three year anniversary card, I snorted my salad.
What's going on around the country with divorced women with respect to their social lives really runs the gamut of emotions at different times.
This particular sweet potato has been in a couple serious relationships since her divorce back when, then she attempted some online and offline dates but they weren't working out.
She realized the problem too. HER. She just didn't give two craps. I think that was a quote.
She wished she did she said, but she didn't. So she stopped dating and started picking up men — in her pick-up truck — to work at her house and then go home.
Her contractor is the current man in her life and apparently its been going on for awhile. Three years is awhile, no?
But she explained, even a steady contractor can go MIA on occasion forcing you to find a replacement.
She told me she was so excited about a recent available contractor, he thought she was coming on to him.
Something tells me it may have had something to do with her opening line — "Show me your rock hard sheet rock baby!"
Some contractors even play hard to get she said, which is why her pick up line is of choice is? ... "Hey I've got a pick-up!"
So now we know.
Some women are out there flashing sexy legs and cleavage to attract men...others are out there flashing pick-up trucks to attract day workers.
To each her own.
Attitude is everything!
To email Debbie: [email protected]
Ok, here's the latest cougar news — because everyone and their mother now thinks I am a cougar expert, except my own mother who may I remind you, I keep sending out of the country every time I am on the air somewhere talking about this. She is now a very frequent flier.
On Wednesday I was a guest on "Sex Files" on Sirius Satellite Radio Maxim Channel 108, which is hosted simultaneously by the lovely Anna David (out of NY) and the lovely Amy Spencer (out of LA). Every week they talk to men about sex, and this week's topic was "Dating & Cougars: How To Meet One, How To Woo One and How to Keep One Happy." No worries, I handled it.
Also on with us was Illona Paris, a sex therapist and self-described cougar, whose latest book out this week is called Hot Cougar Sex: Steamy Encounters with Younger Men. Her mother must live in Bora Bora.
She told hot stories. I tried to give warm advice but I used my every day Cougress voice. Wink. Listen to it here.
I should add that before allowing me up to the studios, for security purposes, I had to go through a "cat" scan. LOL — thought that was funny. Sort of purrfect timing.
Truthfully, the biggest thrill for me was hearing the show's hostesses with the mostesses, Anna and Amy, jump on board with my temporary new word for cougar — "Cougress," which I feel is at least a bit more feminine and a touch less harsh. By jove, I think I've started a movement.
read more »A story on the front page of the NY Times Style Section called "France. Sex. Problem?" had me thinking all day about paying for sex — not me personally, I paid for a bagel — but women in general, and divorced women in particular.
In my opinion, based on what I hear women talk about privately, I don't think we are very far away from it becoming ‘somewhat’ socially acceptable. That is, for a woman to begin doing what men have done forever: pay for pleasure.
I KNOW I KNOW it's illegal. Illegal in every state that is except Nevada and (who knew?) Rhode Island.
You might remember that back in 2005, Heidi Fleiss, the former Hollywood Madam, amused women and the world with her idea to open a "Stud Farm" called “The Cherry Patch Ranch” with males serving an all-female clientele.
I’ve been a little busy since then, and haven’t exactly followed up on what happened there, so today I stopped and just made a call to the Cherry Patch Ranch to see what was up. The operator said she couldn’t answer any of my questions and that the manager would be in at four.
Heidi, I was told from another source, has been in Nevada since July but is currently operating a coin laundry — a temporary "cash and sheets business" if you will — ‘til she’s able to focus again.
She’s definitely planning to open that stud farm someday.
The Times story was about a new French movie called Cliente, which focuses on clichés about prostitution and gigolos in France. The main character is a 51-year-old hard-charging TV Shopping Channel anchor and director who, after her marriage falls apart, wants good sex without the strings (we can understand that concept) and is willing to pay handsomely for it (really now? Tell us more).
read more »I, Debbie Nigro, Chief Executive Girlfriend of FWW, am devoted to an ongoing mission to explore for YOU, my faithful and devoted now-single-again girlfriends, all opportunities related to new men, mischief, and madness. This requires a load of continuous caffeine and an occasional gown.
My latest adventure even required a "wingman." Try finding one of those on the shelf at Walmart. Let me explain.
Some weeks ago the very famous matchmaker Janis Spindel contacted me to suggest I should attend her upcoming Elegant Affair. The invitation said attendees would be attractive, well-educated, upscale professionals age 40 and up personally selected by Janis and her cupids, and that every guest would be single and looking for love. I've had worse invitations.
Though intrigued to explore this rooftop black-tie soiree on your behalf, I didn't respond in time. When I did, I was told they had more women than men, thus I could only come if I could help keep the male/female ratio somewhat even, and bring a wingman.... Meaning, someone who I wasn't dating who is also eligible.
On a day's notice, Tony Dilluvio (pictured with me at the event, above) agreed to be my wingman. Tony has come to love his new "friendship for fame" trade-off relationship with me (also see last week's Today Show clip and my Debbie Does Divorce "He Said/She Said" segment with Tony).
We each hustled over the next 24 hours doing what you do when you're going to a black tie — finding something to wear. Difference is Tony drove to a tux place and emerged in 10 minutes with the perfect ensemble.
read more »A happily married man is writing a book about cougars (I hate that word) and called last week to talk to me. Stop it — he did not get my number from the men's bathroom. I haven't even hit the West Coast yet. My job? To help him separate the media hype from the reality of cougars.
Charles Orlando from San Francisco, who is hopelessly in love with his wife and kids, is writing, The Problem with Women... is Men: The Evolution of a Man's Man to a Man of Higher Consciousness. It's an in-depth look into stereotypic men today and the challenges women have surviving with them and/or finding one that's good enough to keep.
The book is entirely from a man's point-of-view and experience and interestingly points out that young women are the ones most threatened by the cougar "because she looks much like they do yet has what they don't — confidence, financial means, security, command of her sexuality, and a strong sense of self."
Check out his article on cougars and MILFs where he reports "I spoke with a number of self-identifying cougars that were clear that they were after younger guys purely for fun. But I also spent time with Debbie Nigro, who summed things up beautifully: "When women are in their 20s, they are looking to procreate with... when they are in their 40s, they are looking for someone to recreate with."
read more »“Friendhsip First” was how Paul McCartney billed his recent concert in Tel Aviv. It’s obvious he took the same approach with his new gal Nancy Shevell.
It took Paul 43 years to perform in Israel and just about as long to perform with Nancy.
Like many divorced people, Paul and Nancy are what I call comfort daters...those that head back in time and re-date old boyfriends or girlfriends who are now also single. Often you track them down. They knew you when you were young and really cute and still see you that way and you them. The delusion is intoxicating, and at least you know where the heck they came from.
In this instance Nancy was an old friend of Paul’s and his first wife Linda who died of cancer in 1998. You can imagine the connection.
Isn’t it great to be attracted to someone who you have some history with. Saves a load of conversation.
Besides, if you’re going to hop in an old car and head across the country like the two of them just did, it’s gotta be with someone you're really comfortable with. Especially when it comes to deciding on the rest stops.
Hey, come to think of it, it actually might be more worth it for you to go back in time and find a ‘comfort station dater’
So I went to a local bistro-like joint on Thursday night, to have a small birthday dinner for a girlfriend with a couple gals and and it turns into a Jerry Springer episode.
Like chromosomes I will change the all the girls names to Xs and all the boys names to Ys to protect the innocent, the guilty, and the confused.
We're sitting and I am tired from the day but happy to be with the girls.
I look over and there's a table full of men from an annual golf outing — 15 maybe and I think I see a face from grammar school.
Imagine? It's him. Same face at 51 as at 5. Imagine?
We get up, have huge hugs and laughs and go back to our tables.
After dinner we move to the bar area.
It's crowded. A gal pal from the past walks up to give me a hug. We'll call her X.
X and her hubby use to socialize with my ex and I when we were married.
She is still married, but out with X1, another gal who is at the table and I go over and sit to say hi.
X1 was married to my ex hubby's best friend who was also my great friend and they are now divorced.
X3 is also at the table is still married and is another wife whom I used to be a couple with along the way.
I introduce the birthday gal to X1 thinking they are meeting for the first time.
They girly scream then hug.
Seems when birthday gal was single she used to double date with X1 and her beau Y.
X1's beau Y just happened to be my second ex's best friend. Wow, I'm getting dizzy myself.
I then spot Y2. Y2 looked familiar but I didn't realize he is the now almost ex-husband of another good friend, X4, who I've been going out on the town with for years with another pack of gal pals.
Truthfully, I almost called Jerry Springer myself but my heels hurt so much I had to go home.
Anybody else have a local Jerry episode?
There's "cougar annoyed" and then there's "cougar pissed off."
Luis, the sweet manager of the building where I live, slipped a cougar lawsuit news flash under my door last night along with a note. He apparently caught my cougar opinion on Page Six of the New York Post about my not loving that term, and my search for a better word to describe a "woman who chooses to play/date/carouse/befriend a younger man."
Luis wrote, "Looks like some Southern California ladies followed your lead" and attached a story from TMZ called "The Great Cougar Hunt Lawsuit."
Back in 2007, three respectable women got dressed up and went out to a club called Chapter 8 in Agoura Hills in Southern California to have some fun, seemingly without the intention of meeting any men at all. Okay, if they say so.
They were filmed without their consent and ended up being featured in an offensive national TV segment on the G4 television network called "The Great Cougar Hunt."
The TV segment describes cougars as the easiest and most ravenous prey for younger men.
Here we go with again with that "preying" concept. I thought it was the other way around, and have previously written that the word "cougar" just makes it sound like older women are pouncing on innocent young men, when truthfully we are "treating them" to the experience of wisdom and an occasional expensive dinner.
read more »Will somebody please help me?
Even though some find the word cougar acceptable, I can't stand it!
We need to come up with a better word to describe a woman who chooses to play/date/carouse/befriend a younger man!
Don't misunderstand me — it's not that I am not a fan of this new sport. Seriously, if some young handsome guy thinks I'm hot and fabulous who am I to deter him?
Besides, divorced women in search of relationships often find that there are just more younger men swimming in the available love pool and in better swim trunks.
And quite frankly, the older guys who are chasing after centerfolds leave us no choice.
The word "cougar" just makes it sound like older women are pouncing on innocent young men, when truthfully we are "treating them" to the experience of wisdom and an occasional expensive dinner. Neither side in this romantic pairing initially embarks innocently and without agenda. Both find it curious.
Often it really does work.
Twice recently I was called a cougar — after being spotted amusing myself with a specimen a decade behind me. In both instances, to the surprise of the two people who thought they were giving me a compliment, I reacted with my usual, "I hate that word."
Personally I think the word is obnoxious, derogatory, and sounds almost sleezy. It makes me feel almost as uncomfortable as when I hear the word used for female private parts.
Could the same "naming" idiot be responsible?
Help me here. I'm all ears for a new word.
The new word is.....?????
Certain men's colognes drive women wild. I remember the first one that intoxicated me — English Leather.
I used to put it on my pillowcase and dream about Tom, Dick Harry — whoever. They all wore it. That and Brut, and all the fathers in the world wore Old Spice.
Then as time went on I had longer term relationships and longer relationships with a specific cologne. In fact, cologne became a relationship in itself. Now every time I smell a brand that a certain man wore, it causes a rush of memories of HIM.
It's confusing for me when a new man wears an ex's smell.
Some familiar colognes make me want to slap a guy I don't even know.
Because of this I recently I had a terrible break up with Paco Rabanne.
So the question is... Can you date a guy who smells like your ex?