I had a fun reunion in Dallas with a divorced gal pal I just love. We caught up over lunch about everything including her social life. They're either looking' for a nurse or a purse, she said point blank. I spit out my soup. When she told me her sister just sent her and her contractor a three year anniversary card, I snorted my salad.
What's going on around the country with divorced women with respect to their social lives really runs the gamut of emotions at different times.
This particular sweet potato has been in a couple serious relationships since her divorce back when, then she attempted some online and offline dates but they weren't working out.
She realized the problem too. HER. She just didn't give two craps. I think that was a quote.
She wished she did she said, but she didn't. So she stopped dating and started picking up men — in her pick-up truck — to work at her house and then go home.
Her contractor is the current man in her life and apparently its been going on for awhile. Three years is awhile, no?
But she explained, even a steady contractor can go MIA on occasion forcing you to find a replacement.
She told me she was so excited about a recent available contractor, he thought she was coming on to him.
Something tells me it may have had something to do with her opening line — "Show me your rock hard sheet rock baby!"
Some contractors even play hard to get she said, which is why her pick up line is of choice is? ... "Hey I've got a pick-up!"
So now we know.
Some women are out there flashing sexy legs and cleavage to attract men...others are out there flashing pick-up trucks to attract day workers.
To each her own.
Attitude is everything!
To email Debbie: [email protected]
Welcome to my recipe for disaster. On Thanksgiving Day this year my daughter will be 21. I am trying to combine a milestone birthday, a holiday, the umpteenth anniversary of my father's death and a tentacled divorce. I can't even tell you the half of it because doing so here would compromise the privacy of people close to me. I'm leaning toward Jet Blue. I will focus instead on stuffing.
My favorite stuffing story was the year I decided to make the bird at my house and transport it to my late brother Stephen's home. People were not relaxed. I was never known as the turkey girl and I that year I was going to show them!
Everyone at the table watched in awe as my mother pulled a plastic bag of innards out of the stuffing cavity. I can still hear my brother's hysteria. This year I'm at it again...shoot me.
For decades it was my mother's Italian egg stuffing recipe. A combination of, roughly, a dozen large eggs, a handful of grated Locatelli cheese, a handful of chopped fresh Italian parsley, enough plain bread crumbs to thicken the mix till it drips off a spoon and a little salt and pepper. This then blows up inside the turkey and is absolutely delicious.
My sister-in-law Susie started going with her sausage & chestnut stuffing and my stuffing allegiance is now challenged. Actually, I am open to stuffing suggestions. Got any?
Ok, here's the latest cougar news — because everyone and their mother now thinks I am a cougar expert, except my own mother who may I remind you, I keep sending out of the country every time I am on the air somewhere talking about this. She is now a very frequent flier.
On Wednesday I was a guest on "Sex Files" on Sirius Satellite Radio Maxim Channel 108, which is hosted simultaneously by the lovely Anna David (out of NY) and the lovely Amy Spencer (out of LA). Every week they talk to men about sex, and this week's topic was "Dating & Cougars: How To Meet One, How To Woo One and How to Keep One Happy." No worries, I handled it.
Also on with us was Illona Paris, a sex therapist and self-described cougar, whose latest book out this week is called Hot Cougar Sex: Steamy Encounters with Younger Men. Her mother must live in Bora Bora.
She told hot stories. I tried to give warm advice but I used my every day Cougress voice. Wink. Listen to it here.
I should add that before allowing me up to the studios, for security purposes, I had to go through a "cat" scan. LOL — thought that was funny. Sort of purrfect timing.
Truthfully, the biggest thrill for me was hearing the show's hostesses with the mostesses, Anna and Amy, jump on board with my temporary new word for cougar — "Cougress," which I feel is at least a bit more feminine and a touch less harsh. By jove, I think I've started a movement.
read more »I, Debbie Nigro, Chief Executive Girlfriend of FWW, am devoted to an ongoing mission to explore for YOU, my faithful and devoted now-single-again girlfriends, all opportunities related to new men, mischief, and madness. This requires a load of continuous caffeine and an occasional gown.
My latest adventure even required a "wingman." Try finding one of those on the shelf at Walmart. Let me explain.
Some weeks ago the very famous matchmaker Janis Spindel contacted me to suggest I should attend her upcoming Elegant Affair. The invitation said attendees would be attractive, well-educated, upscale professionals age 40 and up personally selected by Janis and her cupids, and that every guest would be single and looking for love. I've had worse invitations.
Though intrigued to explore this rooftop black-tie soiree on your behalf, I didn't respond in time. When I did, I was told they had more women than men, thus I could only come if I could help keep the male/female ratio somewhat even, and bring a wingman.... Meaning, someone who I wasn't dating who is also eligible.
On a day's notice, Tony Dilluvio (pictured with me at the event, above) agreed to be my wingman. Tony has come to love his new "friendship for fame" trade-off relationship with me (also see last week's Today Show clip and my Debbie Does Divorce "He Said/She Said" segment with Tony).
We each hustled over the next 24 hours doing what you do when you're going to a black tie — finding something to wear. Difference is Tony drove to a tux place and emerged in 10 minutes with the perfect ensemble.
read more »We're launching a contest called "Redefining Divorce," but I can't enter because I'm an employee — DARN!
I had visions of winning that $1,000 Spa Finder gift certificate and having 10 guys massage me at once. Oh well, good luck to the rest of you guys. In keeping with the theme though, I created the following:
"Five Phrases That Redefine Divorce" — To Use & Amuse When Introducing Yourself.
Here's how it works.
Imagine you are introducing yourself with an outstretched hand ready for a handshake.
Now pretend you're saying, "Hi, I'm so and so, and I'm divorced."
Now I want you to try the same thing again, but this time, choose any one of the phrases below and substitute it in place of the word "divorced."
Go ahead — try 'em all out and see which ones work best for you.
"Five Phrases That Redefine Divorce" — To Use & Amuse When Introducing Yourself:
1) Hi there I'm (your name) and I only make one side of my bed.
2) Hi there I'm (your name) and I accept invitations to celebrations — plus NONE.
3) Hi There I'm (your name) and I call somebody else's husband to hang a TV on the wall.
4) Hi there I'm (your name) and I stop at rest stops along a highway whenever I want to.
5) Hi there I'm (your name), a mom who goes out on dates and has more fun than my kid(s).
If these don't do the trick then just flip 'em your naked ring ringer.
Remember — Attitude is everything!
Debra Messing and Debra Nigro. Isn't it fun when someone has your same name and spells it the same way, too?
Debra Messing will be 'posing' as a divorced wife in the new weekly TV series The Starter Wife. I, on the other hand, will continue posing as myself — the real life divorcee.
If Messing were a real divorcee, she'd have known better than to put her show on Friday nights. Divorcees want to go out on Friday nights and mess around, or something like that.
Friday nights pose a dilemma for divorced women everywhere. Somehow you just feel you are "supposed" to go out.
Friday nights have always seemed like the night all the other singles are out — somewhere. Saturday is still "hypothetically" date night. So given a choice, divorced women will pick Friday as their night out on the town.
Therefore, I assume, in doing their research about when to air The Starter Wife, they must not have had a lot of divorcees in on the decision.
Maybe I should call the producer and at the very least have Debra Messing's character on the series, Molly, join Firstwivesworld.com. This way we can be assured her character will make wiser decisions going forward.
I'm single, I'm writing this on Friday, I am awake, it's a beautiful night and my jeans aren't choking me to death...so forgive me, I'm going out to mess around somewhere. Debra Messing — I love you, but I will see you on Tivo.
Then we can compare notes to see who had more fun!
Until then...I will rely on the First Wives World Social Network "Starter Wife Group" — who did not find qualified babysitters — to keep me updated.
Well, you know how I feel about the word Cougar — don’t like it. Wrote about it many times on FWW.
But the word and the lifestage it defines are so pervasive now that Saturday Night Live is doing ongoing Cougar skits. They did one again this past Saturday with Cameron Diaz.
We cannot deny that older women are now back on the market in large numbers as a direct result of divorce, and that younger men are a viable romantic option like never before.
I think it’s a good thing that women are busting up the old double standard — and yes, I admit it provides lots of comedy — BUT, Saturday Night Live inspired me to address the stereotype directly to the show. So here goes.
My Dear SNL writers,
The Cougar Den & Cameron Diaz are hysterical.
You have inspired me to do kegels as I write this.
In fact, I am even thinking of turning my spare room into a cougar den thanks to you all.
I just wanted to point out that while you're dreaming up new cougar episodes, you might want to consider that cougars (even though I hate that word) come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They don't all look like Cameron Diaz.
You might want to broaden your cougar casting options.
The bimbo thing is something you might want to look into, too.
Cougars, because they are older — as you so clearly “coif” them — lean more toward being professional and experienced. Most are not floozies (even though some neighbors might disagree). We're talkin’ educated, been-there-done-that women exploring new options.
What the hell, the dating pool is much shallower later in life and filled with many older men who are leaking testosterone in search of arm candy to validate their masculinity.
read more »Obviously my "coolness" factor is on the upswing, as I was invited to the gala premiere movie screening of The Lifetime original movie Coco Chanel — hosted by Lifetime Television, Vidal Sassoon and The Hollywood Reporter Monday night.
I loved it! And highly recommend you tune in if you find your "cute divorced self" sitting on the couch this coming Saturday night.
Shirley MacLaine, who plays Coco in the later years of her life, was in person at the event, and was just fabulous. Barbara Bobulova, who played Coco as a younger woman was incredible.
Why is this all relevant to you?
Well, Coco Chanel's story is an incredible inspiration to any woman who has had to "make it on her own." She never married, and had regrets about that. She loved deeply, but suffered many instances of great loss. Her work became her drug of choice to cope.
Many of us know that drill.
According to Shirley MacLaine, Coco was a name borrowed from a dog in a bar. Coco's real name was Gabrielle, and her real last name was Chaznel. Coco's character had a couple of lines in the movie that really resonated; I typed the words I wanted to remember to tell you on the keypad of my silent iPhone, in the dark, during the movie without reading glasses.
When I checked back today to clarify the quote, it read "channel cinnabons."
read more »OK — it's the dreaded last week of summer...and we all hang on to it like a dog to the pant leg of a postman. This might be a good thing since everyone I know has gained weight since it began.
What's up with that?
Bloated single moms everywhere are racing around getting their kids ready for school. Booting up for back to school is "tums"-ultuous when you're a single mom. It's a frenzy of exhausting checklists, kids need everything, and you are a human money pit.
Going away, if you can swing it or a few more rule-free days, is a good thing...staying home and puttering around is also a good thing.
There's nobody to do business with...or make an impression upon.
Nobody cares...well almost nobody.
If people owe you money, you cant get a hold of them.
If you owe people money, they're away and you buy a few days.
The mythical end of summer will confuse you next week because you pull back the curtain and it will still look and feel exactly like summer, only you are not supposed to be having fun anymore.
So — whatever is going on with you this week, make sure you try to maximize any and every last window of opportunity of guilt-free summer pleasure for yourself.
You know you deserve it, and goodness knows next week is going to feel a lot different...even if it looks the same.
Imagine? YOU could take The Gold every time!
Inspired by the Olympics and delusional that I somehow can still get my body to look like those women's volleyball contenders, I was thinking...
There are so many things a divorced gal becomes proficient at by necessity — by herself — that there should be some way to get credit for it. Just maybe there should be some kind of Divorced Women's Olympics.
There would be global contenders.
Here are some divisions in which any one of you could take a medal:
Grocery Power Lifting
The Financial Balance Beam
She-Man Provider Competition
Single Mom Relay
Solo Wrestling With Yourself
Set the Table Tennis
Laundry Volleyball
Extreme Soul Searching
My favorite? The Divorce Decathalon!
"Heptathlon" actually is the proper word for the female version of this track and field competition, made up of these seven events: 100 meter hurdles, high jump, shot put, 200 meter sprint, long jump, javelin throw, and the 800 meter run.
As we all know, this sounds like a typical day BEFORE lunch.
The final event would be the "Late Life Luge"...jump on, hang on, close your eyes, say a prayer, take the ride of your life and hope you make it to the finish line in one piece.
The last one might take some extra practice but since you've got nothing to lose — you might as well Go For The Gold!