I, Debbie Nigro, Chief Executive Girlfriend of FWW, am devoted to an ongoing mission to explore for YOU, my faithful and devoted now-single-again girlfriends, all opportunities related to new men, mischief, and madness. This requires a load of continuous caffeine and an occasional gown.
My latest adventure even required a "wingman." Try finding one of those on the shelf at Walmart. Let me explain.
Some weeks ago the very famous matchmaker Janis Spindel contacted me to suggest I should attend her upcoming Elegant Affair. The invitation said attendees would be attractive, well-educated, upscale professionals age 40 and up personally selected by Janis and her cupids, and that every guest would be single and looking for love. I've had worse invitations.
Though intrigued to explore this rooftop black-tie soiree on your behalf, I didn't respond in time. When I did, I was told they had more women than men, thus I could only come if I could help keep the male/female ratio somewhat even, and bring a wingman.... Meaning, someone who I wasn't dating who is also eligible.
On a day's notice, Tony Dilluvio (pictured with me at the event, above) agreed to be my wingman. Tony has come to love his new "friendship for fame" trade-off relationship with me (also see last week's Today Show clip and my Debbie Does Divorce "He Said/She Said" segment with Tony).
We each hustled over the next 24 hours doing what you do when you're going to a black tie — finding something to wear. Difference is Tony drove to a tux place and emerged in 10 minutes with the perfect ensemble.
I, on the other hand, spent 24 hours weaving grueling girly stuff in between an already jammed schedule. In between meetings I was sweating in a dressing room praying something would fit (see the silver sparkly get up), trapped in a pedicure chair texting emails and getting my nails done at the same time, careening with my trusty back up Fran into Lord & Taylor to find a matching pair of sandals, blowing into my friend Elle's hair salon to threaten my hair flat while taking phone calls, and blasting into my mother's house to borrow a small expensive evening bag that matched. Oh yeah, and another three hours trying to squeeze crap into it. Whew!
As we stepped off the elevator to the rooftop of one of the most elegant buildings in New York City, Tony whispers he is going to kill me, because as we are initially signing in at the table it is a little weird and staid.
Then the lovely rooftop room we walked into began to flood with well-dressed men and women mostly arriving alone. The outcome? A lovely night of cocktails and conversation and meeting very interesting people. No special man there caught my eye, but it seemed there were a few fun matches in the works!
Then there was Tony's outcome...I'll just quote him:
"As much as I wanted to believe it was my rugged features and charming demeanor that was drawing a drove of attractive, intelligent women, all one had to do is look around the room to notice that there were three woman for every man....and I was literally in the middle of it...throughout the evening I couldn't help but think, "Who's got it better than me?"
Tony now has a shrine of me in his office that he genuflects to daily.
FYI — Janis Spindel's serious matchmaking business only charges men not women for her services. If you are interested check out her site.
What Others Have Shared ()
Pretty pricey!