Committed Relationship, Take Two

Committed Relationship, Take Two

Ex Wife New Life moving from the ex wife phase to the new life phase

Posted to by First Wives World on Fri, 11/30/2012 - 8:48am

It was my last date.  Enough already.  I had been on for roughly a year and was feeling a bit drained from it all, rather the way you feel at the end of a great party.  When you arrive, you are the bell of the ball, with your new MAC Naked Lunch shadow smeared all over your eyes, and the new Chanel Brandywine lipstick covering your carefully outlined lips.  By the end of the night, your new Steve Madden stilettos are killing you,  your hair is making your eyes itch and your foundation has settled into each little nook and cranny on your face and even discovered a few more.  Home please.

Not that I'm complaining.  I had met some very nice men, dated a few more than once, and had some rather odd experiences, which you will have to wait for the book to find out about, as my kids read this. I also had been stood up several times, stuck with more than one dinner bill and cringed at the thought that my ex and Giselle would walk in to a restaurant and see me dining with a 65 year old man the size of a four year old.

It was the date I had with the Jewish insurance fraud investigator that made me think maybe it's time to take a break.  See normally he travels a lot and hasn't been able to date a lot, but he was on leave right now after shooting his ex wife, but she shot first and really what was he supposed to do?  Just sit there and take it?  What self respecting man would do that.  It's true I did agree to go to a special  dessert place, after our dinner but come on, I cannot pass up a piece of pie topped with homemade gelato and a cappuccino, even if it is with Yosemite Sam.

Anyway, I'm sitting there eating my pie, feeling my feet swell and knowing that after this last slurp of milk foam, I never plan on seeing this man again and decided a few months off, and a new season of Top Chef were definitely in my future.  Only problem was I had already committed to a date on the following night and I was not the type to cancel on short notice. I have to give myself props here, there was one time I was sitting at Bonefish, waiting for my online date to show up.  I saw him before he saw me and I could have easily bailed due to the bad comb over and nicotine stained teeth (weird for a non smoker, right?) but I just can't do that to people.  A plate of bang bang shrimp and two dirty Greygoose martinis helped numb the pain through that one.

The following night I got myself ready for my grand finale-for now anyway.  We were meeting at a local restaurant and I had already decided one drink and home.  I was so sure that was my plan, that I hadn't even programmed my dvr for the Housewives Reunion that night. Totally looking forward to a night of Vicky and Gina going at it.

I arrive at the restaurant and do a quick look over.  I spotted him at a high top table in the bar, nursing a drink and doing business on his phone.  He looked like his picture, which was good and refreshing. I introduced myself and we did the usual arms length hug.  I hoisted myself up on the seat, hoping my Spanx were behaving and keeping to themselves and settled in.  We talked about how windy it had been.  He ordered me a drink.  Nice.  Gentlemanly.  Then he did something none of the others had done before.  He put his phone away, looked me in the eyes and asked me how I had come to this place in life.  I did something I had never done with the others... I told him.

And so begins the next phase of my life.  Ex Wife New Life is moving from the ex wife phase to the new life phase and all that goes with it.  New life does not just mean new man.  It is a new way of loving, sharing a life and a home, opening myself up to new ideas.  It is becoming part of a couple but this time around, taking responsibility for myself, working to find success in my chosen field, being an equal and not a dependent.

Being an ex wife was very unexpected.  I went into it kicking and screaming.  And drunk texting.  Oh- and a little bit of stalking.  To those going through it now I can tell you, you will survive.  There are days you think you won't but then what do you know?   Another day starts and you're still here!


Thanks for the chuckle...

As I spent the morning trying to analyze why after 2 years of delaying the inevitable and completing a parenting class required to hammer the final nail in the coffin that was a 25 year marriage, I stumbled upon this site and your thread. I needed the reminder of the "Ex Wife, New Life". Having gone through the PoF (plenty of fish) and battlegrounds I could relate. Sometimes wonderful comes out of nowhere and we forget to give ourselves permission to start a new life. Be that person we always hoped was inside. I've met the mama's boys (age 45+), the "need a mama's" that reminded me of my marriage and the ones that didn't remotely look like their picture yet thought they were a gift from some unknown deity. Even dated a few that I could have been their "mama" just to prove I still had it. Stella needed to find her groove?? Fun for a minute and a half.. maybe. Having had the same epiphany when someone of worth finally shows up, I can identify with everything you said. What it did remind me was that it was ok to move into that new phase and let go of the old title and baggage that goes with it. Being happy is allowed and necessary. Being open and accepting is growth. And truthfully, being the best you can be and being happy about it is truly the best "revenge". When you write the book, I'll gladly buy a copy. Maybe you should collect anecdotes of the online dating scene it is guaranteed to be hilarious. I know mine are also.

Thanks for sharing this. I

Thanks for sharing this. I have been officially divorced for a year now. Boy, has it been a roller coaster ride. Is there a good support group out there? It's great to be able to make light of it all - to laugh at all those uncomfortable moments and ridiculous "adventures" in dating. Don't feel bad either!!! You're doing them a favor...what else can you do? If they misrepresented, and you find them unattractive, then what are you going to do? Date them out of pity? I once met a guy at a bar for a drink. I was ready to go after one. He asked if we could do this again. I said...I didn't think so. And I added something like - "well, you never know, until you meet someone." And he said, "well now you know." His photo online was exceptionally flattering and probably at least 10 years old. I learned one thing though - that might help, if you've had some disappointments. I just finished what I thought was going to be the last relationship of my life...meaning I thought he was the one. I went on a rollercoaster of emotions - the first flutter of chemistry and all. I think men tend to fall off the ride sooner than women, in general. I was still in la-la land, and he had come to earth. Then we weren't on the "same page." Great...I had to come to that page all too quickly. That was about two weeks ago. I am worse for the wear...but I'm getting back to speed. And you know what...I wanted a break before I met him. I guess it's time for a break now. LOL - I had one date where I saw him first, at the entrance to the restaurant, and I literally wanted to make a run for it. He looked kinda like the Pillsbury doughboy! I managed through dinner. He talked about going skiing together while walking me to my car. I emailed him that night that I didn't think we were a good match. It's better than leaving it in the dark. That's what guys do.

Don't Rely on First Impressions

I had a old boyfriend who dumped me 30 years ago start bugging me on Facebook about three years ago before I was divorced. We kept in touch and I finally agreed to meet him. When I walked in and spotted him from across the restaurant, I realized the years had not been kind to him. He was wearing glasses and was overweight and completely gray. I thought about turning around and running. So glad I didn't. He has matured into the most wonderful, caring, kindest man I have ever known. We have been together two years and are so happy together. He made me realize all that was missing from my marriage and what a strong, loving and passionate relationship is supposed to feel like. I am so thankful I didn't turn and run away.

Thank you!!!

Every time I come to this site it's like divine intervention. I look at it when I'm struggling. I bumped into my ex last night at the grocery store. I was on my way to a party. I looked good. He said he almost didn't recognize me (I've lost 30 pounds, mostly because of all the aerobic crying I was doing. My new workout.) He looked tired and a lot older. I felt like I needed to hug him, but I didn't. All the next day I felt bad. Like I needed to call, see if he's O.K.. He was the one that wanted this, but I still love him, and worry about him. So after work tonight I drove past his house. He wasn't home at 11:30 pm. Oh, he's just fine. I've also been on Match. I know just what your talking about. So you accept the picture that they provide. You think " Well I can work with that. I'm not some super model" Then you get there and you're with the guy in the pictures over weight, bald grandpa. What are they thinking? Then they ask if you're disappointed. Hell yea! But of course I really say of course not, and proceed to plan my escape. The first date I went on left me nauseous for 2 days. I felt so bad. I know I hurt his feelings by leaving after one drink. It made me feel horrible. Thank you for helping me through. By reading these stories I know I will be O.K.o

Ha! Ha!

I see a screenplay in your future. It was so wonderful, I actually cracked a smile. Thank you for sharing that!

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