Making Divorce Pay

I am a big fan of marking special occasions.

There is an irony in that I am marking six years of life as a single parent with getting a job writing about divorce. Something about that makes me smile.

Sure, it's probably not the six years of single parenting that makes me smile - well not all the time anyway. It's the fact that I have the chance to voice my thoughts and feelings about life after divorce.

My approach is "get on with it," but sometimes I have to consciously put myself in gear to live the way I want to.

With three kids at three different schools and a job, business, house and a car to run, sometimes the best thing I can do is acknowledge it's hard, take some breathing space, then get on with it.

I read the other day that there are 40 million divorced women in America. That's twice the population of Australia - where I live - and a force to be reckoned with.

Any reminder that we are not doing this alone empowers us. Those big numbers evidence we are not alone, but it is online communities like this one that make it really feel like it.

I'm glad to be part of this, and not for the reason my son pointed out when I announced my blogging gig: "Cool. You've found a way to make divorce pay."

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