The Wills And Wonts Of My Emotional Well-Being Moving Forward

The Wills And Wonts Of My Emotional Well-Being Moving Forward

Posted to by Michelle Rosenthal on Thu, 12/27/2012 - 10:48am

As I begin this new life now that my divorce is finalized, there are a number of resolutions that I truly hope to keep. Aside from the typical, "I will lose 10 pounds," my resolutions have more to do with my emotional well-being:

  • I will not put so much pressure on myself.
  • will not live by a schedule — I will be less anal retentive.
  • will be more aware of the things I say and how they can be interpreted.
  • I will stop telling people how fat I am and how much weight I gained.
  • I will continue to think positively and I will continue to be open-minded.
  • I will be true to myself.
  • I will take a deep breath when I start to feel anxious and learn to appreciate being single.
  • I will add more culture to my life and spend less time shopping.
  • I will learn to stay in on a weekend to unwind and catch up on "me" time rather than partying till all hours of the night.
  • I will learn to call it a night before 4 a.m. on a weekend.
  • I will not send drunk text messages to guys.
  • I will start to save money again.
  • I will use my divorce as a template for all the things I know I can't live without in a relationship.
  • I will remember that people are who they are and for the most part will not change.
  • I will not stress out if someone does not call when they say they will.
  • I will stop comparing people to Steve and instead focus on what I am looking for.
  • I will stay positive.
  • I won't sweat the small stuff.


Moving Forward

Hi Michelle! Your list looks alot like mine! It will be hard....but we can do it! Have a Happy and successful New Year!

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