Replacing The Love Of Your Life With A New Internet Mate? Follow the Leader!

Replacing The Love Of Your Life With A New Internet Mate? Follow the Leader!

If ever there were a gal I'd count on to lead you down the right online dating path, it's Julie Spira who was way ahead of the latest and greatest even when I knew her back in college days at Ithaca College.
The Perils of Cyber-Dating: Confessions of a Hopeful Romantic Looking for Love Online is Julie Spira's romantic tell-all memoir. Julie from college, is now a best-selling author. The book spans her more than 250 online dates in almost 15 years. It's a full bucket of heartfelt, witty, and hilarious stories.
Julie Spira, a pioneer in the Internet industry and online dating expert, became the first on her block to post an online dating profile. You’ll follow her journey as she skillfully navigates the web, hoping to replace what SHE once thought was the love of her life with a new Internet mate.
Combining her fairytale romances and disappointing heartbreaks with her personal “rules of netiquette,” Julie provides priceless knowledge about the most effective ways to date online.
You can learn from an Internet industry pro, who as a super-successful cyber-dater, received several marriage proposals and a brilliant assortment of fabulous and fun dates after she had to start her life all over again.
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