Post Divorce Stress Disorder Handbook

Post Divorce Stress Disorder Handbook

5 signs to expect or look for with PDSD

Posted to by First Wives World on Sun, 12/05/2010 - 9:50am

There are lot of things that I keep to myself. A lot of aspects of divorce that I just don’t mention even though most of my close friends and readers are aware of the last 3 years of hell that I and my daughter, Elf Princess, have been through. But let’s set all that aside for a minute, because right now I want to talk about how Divorce has affected me as a person and a woman.

I think there ought to be a new designation for post-divorce women and men, especially those who had a marriage break apart due to infidelity on the other spouse’s part. We’re talking affairs that were over a year or decades even. I think I’ll call it Post Divorce Stress Disorder, or PDSD for short.

And since there is no handbook that covers PDSD, I’ll let you in on the changes you can expect to see in yourself or in your loved one after they suffer that kind of infidelity followed up by a horrific divorce that may or may not be over.

  1. You may notice panic attacks followed by shortness of breath, screaming in pain, and an incessant desire to beat on pillows. This is a natural progression in the 5 Stages of Grief Cycle. Your best bet is to just be there for them and hold their hand. Put a comforting arm around them and assure them that this too will pass.
  2. You may notice that you or your loved one start analyzing relationships around you. In the first 2 or 3 months after the “big reveal” ((or finding out about the infidelity)), you will see every relationship around you as doomed. Even those you know are the “perfect” couple. Every look, every glance. Doomed. Won’t last another six months. And if you give voice to these fears, your friendship with them probably won’t. So keep it to yourself.
  3. You may notice that you or your loved one go from being sane and friendly to being jealous. They’ll know it’s silly. They are very conscious of the changes that they are going through. They can’t help it. They are probably extremely introspective right now dwelling on the “why did they (the other person in their former relationship) do this to me?” or the “what did I do to deserve it?” questions. But regardless, if they so much as hear of a conversation between their new partner ((Assuming they have moved on with their lives successfully and are in a new relationship.)) and a member of the opposite sex,  they’ll experience spikes of jealousy and fear that seem very large at the moment. Refer to number 2.

    What you need to do is remind them that this is a side effect of PDSD. There is no way past this but through it. And it will continue on an ever increasing slope until the healing is complete. But hiding it from their new partner is a very bad idea. Be open. Be honest and be willing to accept that it is a feeling based solely on anxiety and fear.
  4. You may notice that you or your loved one are no longer willing to maintain serious relationships with the opposite gender. Especially if you are in a new relationship. But this is a side effect of PDSD as well. It stems, I believe, from the belief that infidelity is somehow ‘catching’. Which it’s not. Take a deep breath, look at those friends you are now pushing away and realize that they only want to help you through this horrible and painful time in your life. You need them. Which brings us to number 5.
  5. You may notice that you or your loved one are less willing to accept help than ever before. This is a self-defense response that while understandable is illogical. Pushing people away from the belief that you somehow need to “fix it yourself”, “get over this”, “suck it up, cupcake”, or some other idiotic notion that they are all out to get you will net you absolutely nothing. The best way to combat this is to say yes to every other offer of help ((Use rational thought here and don’t accept robberies, beat downs, etc.)).

Refuse those offers you are 100% sure you can do on your own as long as you don’t get that dropping feeling in your stomach. IF you do get that feeling, this is panic and anxiety. You should avoid these situations and instead change your answer of “no, I don’t need help” to “Hi, I’m a complete stranger who just had my heart ripped out and my life shredded, so could you help me by…..”.

With these 5 signs enumerated, it is my personal experience and belief that you can successfully overcome most any situation Post Divorce. Remember PDSD is a real side effect of infidelity and divorce and if left untreated can lead to bitterness, reclusiveness, and other self-destructive behaviors. The first step is admitting you have PDSD.

But you can overcome it. I did. I am.

Keep your chin up. You’ll be fine.


This blog was written by one of the members of our social network.



My divorce was final 2 years ago. Blind-sided, after 27 years and 3 children. He was planning our future together while he was having an affair. She is now his wife, they live in Florida, and he even had the news station in Tampa film the proposal. He proposed where they met a year prior at the Marriot Hotel. The Marriot was eager to have some good press...little did they know that the initial meeting was while he was still married! It's on the internet as well...right there for my kids to see. A constant reminder of how their father just walked out of their lives without a word. He left everything in my lap. Left me to pick up all the pieces which I am still trying to glue back together. I just spoke to my therapist about PTSD and asked if divorce can have the same feeling. I thought I had come so far and I have slipped down the slope. So many of us find ourselves in financial dire straits it is paralyzing. I can't seem to get passed the anger the he makes a decent 6 figure income and I can't make ends meet. After staying home to raise the kids and not working it's a tough road to navigate. My attorney did not protect me so my anger is not only at my former spouse but also at the system that manages to put women on the same playing field as their spouse. I do not want to wallow in this mire but how does one dig out of a financial disaster while her former spouse is living a nice secure life. I would love to figure out how to change the system regarding divorce. It has gotten so unfair for woman and only continues to get worse. Something needs to be done. Let's do it!

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