Photos of My Husband... and Another Woman

Photos of My Husband... and Another Woman

My husband posted some pictures on his website from a weekend outing he went on with some work friends. It's uncanny how although the ratio of men versus women in his group is something like 20:1, with men greatly outnumbering the women, my husband still manages to wind up in a situation where the only female of the group just so happens to be leaning right behind him.
There he is, big cheese grin, and there she is, leaning in as though the two of them have been best friends since college or something.
So what? So my husband has a group picture of him in a big group of people and there just so happens to be a woman chumming up to him. Okay, no problem. It's not like I would even know if anything was going on with him and this woman, or any other woman for that matter, because he's countries away and our communication is limited to a few minutes on the phone every day and maybe an IM conversation at night. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, and if anything devious is going on my guess is that it would be more along the lines of him positioning the two of them closely like that in an attempt to rile me into jealously.
Never mind that my neighbor came up to me the other day and said, "What's up with those pictures he posted? Who was that girl who was next to him in all of them?" I just shrugged and told her that if something was going on there was no way for me to know, so why freak out?
She said, "What happens in darkness will come to light." Good point.
It's a weird position I'm in. I'm married, but my husband doesn't live with me. I'm not quite a single parent, but I'm as close as you can get while still being married. All it takes is a few online pictures of my husband thousands of miles away with some woman I don't know to remind me just how weird a position I am in.
my husband does not like me anymore
What happened to Megan?
I'm sorry, but in my case, my
interesting post
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