Light At the End of the Tunnel

Light At the End of the Tunnel

Posted to by Julie Savard on Tue, 10/04/2011 - 8:43am

Lately, I'd lost my feeling of being settled and getting into the groove. I felt disjointed, tired, and fed up over my situation.

My mortgage application is still pending approval, and I'm tired and stressed over it. So close, and so far... yet I received some unexpected encouragement.

"You really should congratulate yourself no matter what happens," the bank manager said. I was confused. Congratulate myself on barely qualifying for a mortgage?

"You've come a long way in two years," she went on. "You left your husband. You had to grieve. You were alone with two kids, and you found a place. You built a successful business by yourself."

"Look at you," the woman stressed. "You're back on your feet and doing fine. If it's not this house, it'll be another. You're almost there, and you're on the path back to a healthy life. So congratulate yourself."

She's right.

I was lingering on what could have been instead of focusing on what's to come. So I want to tell other women reading this - the ones who are still in what could have been and who aren't yet ready for what's to come — that there's hope.

It may be hard and it may be long, but it can be done. I've had my ups and downs and my heart-wrenching moments missing being a family, but honestly? I wouldn't trade what I have now for the world.

I made a decision to find something better. It sounds hokey, but there is better out there. Maybe not with someone else or a new partner, but there is a really good life if you can get up the courage to say, "Enough. This far and no further."

So take a deep breath. Start thinking about what's to come. You'll be okay.


Unexpected Divorce is crushing

I just read an amazing book that was recommended to me on the horrors of an unexpected divorce. It's called "I Thought We Were Happy: Lessons My Wife Taught me on the Road to Divorce" by Jonathan L Lewis. (I found it on - couldn't find it on B&N). This guy is wide open with the emotional trauma of what he experienced going through a divorce he never saw coming. Has anyone else read it? I was blown away. It hit SO many buttons and expressed so many of the emotions that I went through. Guys don't normally express their emotions. This guy opens up and is clear about what he experienced and the depths to which he fell. It really helped me.

RE: Unexpected Divorce is crushing

Jon, I bought and read the book after reading your post and loved it! Such a great book, he put into words so many tears and emotions that are hard to express or even know you're feeling. Thx for the recommendation!! -jamtrio

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