Episode 77: Giving Thanks

Episode 77: Giving Thanks

Excerpts from "The Petty Chronicles" every Monday

Posted to by Rachel Gladstone on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 7:49am

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s all about family and friends getting together, seeing how many times in one day we can eat ourselves to the bursting point and how many naps we can take. There are no gifts to give, comfortable clothing is de rigueur and if you want to take your life in your hands, Black Friday comes fast on the heels of Turkey Thursday, and the shop-till-you-drop marathon that begins at 4:00 in the morning (if you’re truly dedicated) will leave you exhausted and good for nothing but eating leftovers and taking more naps. Thanksgiving is a day we like to proclaim how thankful we are for what we have. But what about the things we are thankful we don’t have?

For instance, I am thankful I don’t have to suffer through another dreary Thanksgiving with my ex and thankful that this is the second year I get that particular reprieve (it’s what I imagine being released from prison must feel like). I am thankful I don’t have to serve dinner at 2:00, like his mother did and can eat, instead, at 4:00. And the added advantage of not having to wake at 5:00 in the morning (when it’s still dark outside, for God’s sake) to get the bird stuffed and in the oven, makes me want to do a little dance. I am thankful not to be subjected to the sound of football on TV, from dawn to dusk, and thankful that I don’t have to cook the meal and clean up afterwards all by my lonesome - my ex never, ever offered to lift a finger to help.

But in the plus column, I am thankful that I managed to navigate the bumpy roads that criss-cross the inhospitable desserts of post-divorce hell quite successfully, and that I am able, once again, to live my life on my own terms. And I am thankful that the lessons I learned while slogging through it all made me stronger because, let’s face it, what doesn’t kill you tends to have that affect. That I got to keep my house and still have a place to put my table and to hang my hat is almost a miracle. I have my health, my sanity is fairly in tact, I’m ready to move forward without regret and I find that I’m a little less bitter and angry with the passing of every day. Once again, all seems right with the world which is quite a big relief. And for that, I am truly thankful.


giving thanks new beginnings

We all have so much to be thankful for. Our good health, our beautiful children, family, and friends who love and support us no matter what. When my ex left me to run off with "someone I truly love"" I was able to finally step back and lookat all the ways he sabatoged our relationship both personally and financially and years I spent making up excuses for why he did the things he did. After all he wasn't all bad. But what there was was a person absent in every way in what should have been a great marriage. His choice was to walk away from the family that had for so many years loved him unconditionally Funny now how happy I am with my life. I am thanktful that I am no longer a prisoner in a loveless marriage. Thankful for people worth spending time with. To all those going through it. We all know in our hearts we are better off. Be thankful for that.

We all have so much to be

We all have so much to be thankful for. Our good health, our beautiful children, family, and friends who love and support us no matter what. When my ex left me to run off with "someone I truly love"" I was able to finally step back and lookat all the ways he sabatoged our relationship both personally and financially and years I spent making up excuses for why he did the things he did. After all he wasn't all bad. But what there was was a person absent in every way in what should have been a great marriage. His choice was to walk. Funny now how happy I am with my life. I am thankful that I am no longer a prisoner in a loveless marriage. Thankful for people worth spending time with.

Giving Thanks Again

Rachel, reading this for the second time still makes want to thank you for opening my eyes to the many things I am thankful for and the few I am thankful, I don't have. You always cheer me up even when I am very low in spirit. I always look forward to reading your excerpts, even when I have already read them. Thank You Rick Fischer

Giving Thanks

Thank You Rachel for all you have given of yourself and of you past. We have all learned to live life a little better because of what you have shared! Thank You for showing me that there is life after losing someone, althought mine was not by choice. Thank You for being the here and alowing us to learn from your mistakes. That really takes a lot of guts to do, so Thank You for being You!!! I too love the Turkey lamp in the picture! Rick Fischer


Rachel, your description of this holiday is mine to a tee, no gifts...lots of food and thanks giving! being thankful for peace of mind is what it is all about... have a great holiday and thank you for the uplifting piece! I LOVE that turkey lamp in the picture!!!!!!

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