Episode 6: Can I Get an Airbrush?

Episode 6: Can I Get an Airbrush?

Excerpts from "The Petty Chronicles" every Monday (rerun)

Posted to by Rachel Gladstone on Mon, 08/29/2011 - 8:01am

I will never be thin enough to please my husband. He wants me to look like the bony, anorexic women who prance across the screen of our Plasma he watches, 8 hours a day. (It’s like he thinks it’s his second job.) When I point out that he’s comparing me — a real, three-dimensional-flesh-and-blood woman — to the impossible standard the media has brainwashed him with, he dismisses my idea completely.

Is he kidding or am I married to a man who’s really that stupid and shallow?

He devours hour upon hour of programming that features perfectly lit, digitally enhanced, starved, young bodies that have been painted, polished and coifed to within an inch of their lives and then when he looks at me he thinks, "What is wrong with this picture?" He can deny it all day long, but the shocked expression on his face is a dead giveaway and though he’d never admit it out loud, deep down I know he believes that if I were as thin and beautiful as his two-dimensional dream-dates, his life would be perfect.

The thing I can’t understand is why looking like a boy with tits has become the female ideal in our culture.  It wasn’t all that long ago that the ideal woman’s body was curvaceous, not concave, and I think some sort of mind-melding-IQ-lowering mass hysteria has taken hold of American men causing them to prefer the latter.

I lay the blame for this squarely at the feet of gay fashion designers everywhere (and Twiggy.) Let’s face it, culture follows couture and sometimes that’s OK. But instituting this Castrati-With-Breasts look is beyond ridiculous and reigns as the worst fashion joke to be played on women since the advent of Whale-bone corsets and I think I speak for women everywhere when I ask: when will this madness end?

Now I know I sound a bit angry here, and I guess I have chip on my shoulder, but you would too if you were married to my husband; a misogynist with the libido of a 12 year old who wants me to look like a fifteen-year-old girl, despite the fact that I’m a perimenopausal woman.

And it doesn’t end there. Oh no. Not only does he want me to subsist on carrot sticks and water, he thinks I should be able to bake him pies and cookies while not gaining a pound (I wouldn’t be tempted to sample my wares, right?) and makes a point of telling me how disappointed he is in my culinary failings.

Yea, I can see it now: a version of me as a Disney cartoon, baking pies, dancing about in a flouncy skirt, while precious little bluebirds flit around my enormous kitchen and vent piecrusts with their beaks. Oh yes, and I am smiling, singing, wearing a size 4 apron and 3-inch heels while simultaneously conducting a sales meeting on my Blackberry.

Will someone please get me an airbrush? Because something’s definitely wrong with this picture. This is evidently how my husband pictures me in the grandiose castle of his imagination and I hate to be the one to tell him, but it’s time to fade to black. 

Check out new episodes of The Petty Chronicles every Monday.

Click the following to learn about The Petty Chronicles and its author, Rachel Gladstone



Rachel, you don't need to be airbrushed !!! Your ex-husband's mind needs to be airbrused. I am soo glad you moved on from that caveman. He never did deserve you. As long as you are happy with yourself, that should be ALL that matters. Keep me smiling and keepo them coming, even if they are re-runs. Rick Fischer

Air Brush

People who love us look for, and see, the best in us. Which, in turn, seems to bring out the best in us. Regardless of the issue, if that isn't happening, I would question the "love" and the "partnership." And, who in the world can watch 8 hours of TV a day and claim to even BE in a "partnership?" Keep the stories coming. You have me captured.

Mmmm, gay?! fashion industry?! What about all the hetero women?

Geez, I sure don't appreciate what sounds like the slam on gays for creating the whole twiggy fashion industry...there's supply and demand...if there wasn't a demand for it..there wouldn't be a supply...yes, I am quite aware of how many gay men are in fashion, but let's remember that it was Carson Kressley, of Queer Eye For a Straight Guy fame, who created the hit show for plus size women to embrace their bodies and style, culminating in posing in barely anything on a huge billboard in NYC. That show was awesome... The main thing I noticed was missing from this chapter was the fact that your husband's body didn't come up for examination or comparison...Is he so svelt that he could even consider casting the first stone? I bet he isn't...but I'll keep reading cuz you're funny as heck!

You hit it on the tuchus

I always get a kick out of looking at the newspaper wedding announcements and seeing how much alike these newly to be wed couples actually resemble each other. They found someone that they see themselves in. And yes I know this may not always be true, it strikes me many times as pretty obvious. Our culture has definitely come to this point of expression of what is coveted, ideal, preferred, and acceptable. Not only what men expect from their women, but women from their men as well. I at middle age have seen it come and go for myself, my body that is, and I'm okay with this.But, IF I get to the point that I am not okay with myself, then I will work on fixing it, for me and my reasons. Sometimes I just want to feel better, healthier, and sexier. But not because "honey" told us to. Oh, and if I'm not perfect in his eyes, how perfect is he in mine??? Thanks for the wake up call! I appreciate your dedication and sense of humor in this crazy man eat woman world.

Can I get and airbrush

Rachel, you are right. Seeing nothing but skin and bones on a woman is not attrative. When I see someone like that, I think she needs help, she must be anarexic, I'm sure I didn't spell that right. We as human beings were not meant to be that thin. Sure maybe while we were young, we were, but as we matured our bodies change and things slow down. What we need to do, is to stop the advertising and modeling agencies from ramming it down our throats, that thin is in. Because we know, I know, thin is out. Each of us has a comfort level we have to find in our own shape and weight. When you are comfortable with who you are, you weight shouldn't be a factor, and if you truely love the other person it shouldn't matter if they are over weight. For true love sees the person for who they really are, what's in their heart and how they think. That's what makes us good people, not our size and weight. Rick Fischer

cakes, pies, and thighs.....

Yes, most seem to have bought the idea that we should all be Twiggy and at the same time how do we enjoy life? I love pie, I love cake and I love living life to its fullest. Too bad for those who can't feel comfortable in their own skin.... I say bring on the joys of life and live for yourself, not someone else's idea of you. After raising 2 kids, yes, I have some curves and soft lines that I am proud of... and I enjoy, without being overindulgent, treats. No denial here, just a love of life and a comfort in what I look like... you go, Rachel glad you don't buy that image that is crammed down our throats at every turn!

I relate

My husband once actually said to me "if you lost 10 pounds our marriage would be perfect". Not okay in any situation but keep in mind I was 125 pounds at 5'5". And just like your husband, mine stated that I should be able to control myself when I asked him to not bring cakes and sweet into the house. No wonder why your husband and mine share the same soon to be divorced fate. And I don't know about you but the critsism about my weight was just the tip of the iceberg. He had a whole perosn he had to make perfect for him. What a tough job for him.

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