Episode 19: The Trouble with Flannel

Episode 19: The Trouble with Flannel

Excerpts from "The Petty Chronicles" Every Monday

Posted to by Rachel Gladstone on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 7:48am

You know the romance is gone when your husband buys you flannel pajamas for your birthday. Yes, it’s cold and you live in a big drafty house, which he hasn’t been making any warmer lately, but how does he expect you to get the home- fires burning while sporting a pair of blue and white checked pj’s and the big floppy slippers that are probably in the other box?

Nothing says “I’ll be staying home tonight washing my hair” like flannel. Might as well just microwave a huge bowl of popcorn and settle in for a rousing night with the TV guide and the remote control, ready to snuggle in later with a good book, a cup of hot tea and the cat. That’s what flannel says to me.

I wonder if he’s making a point, is just clueless, or a little of both. What happened to the lacy under-things and silky robes that used to grace the insides of these boxes? Knowing that he would be taking off the little bits of lingerie he gave me as soon as I’d tried them on was the real present, let’s face it. The trouble with flannel is that it can be the standard against which to measure your womanliness, and at this rate I am registering a big fat zero on the va-va-voom scale.

I look from the pajamas, which scream-out lonely, dried-up loser, and back to him. I want to say “Thank you” as if I mean it but have no words. I am wordless. Can he see the blood draining from of my face? Does the rage that’s slowly building in me register on his Richter scale? It’s hard to say, because I can’t see him through the veil of fresh hot tears that are standing between us. “What’s wrong?” he pleads. OK.  So now I know: he’s clueless. He clearly doesn’t know that what he’s saying with this gift, really saying, is that he isn’t attracted to me anymore.

So I tell him. “You don’t want me anymore.” I wait for him to deny it but now he’s the one that’s wordless. Suddenly, I can envision scores of future gifts I have to look forward to if I am right: A year’s supply of assorted batteries, an oven mitt, a set of jumper cables, knee socks.

And then I realize that this isn’t the first time he’s given me a gift that says one thing and means another. Like the time he bought me a bicycle because he wanted me to lose weight. It wasn’t like he had a bike and wanted us to share a hobby. He just wanted me to have thinner thighs. That bike was the flannel equivalent of a conversation he didn’t want to have and these pajamas are another; the show-and-tell of his unconscious.

I remember a friend of mine whose boyfriend used to regularly seek out her flannel nightgowns and shred them with a huge pair of scissors. Not with her in them, of course, but he hated it when flannel came between them. Now that was love! Cutting some thing up with a pair of scissors sounds pretty good to me right now but it won’t be the pajamas. I’ll be taking them back and exchanging them for something I really want. A new husband, perhaps.

Check out new episodes of The Petty Chronicles every Monday.

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Flannels and snuggling can be

Flannels and snuggling can be sexy. When a person becomes critical in a marriage the gift or lack of one speaks volumes. When we become grown ups the best way to communicate with someone we no longer love is to be honest with them. It says a lot about respect and dignity and grace and best done BEFORE marrying. How many second marriages are truly successful if begun when one partner cheated on their spouse? Just curious in Eugene Oregon.


Ya.....my hubby (STBX, that is) ... is leaving me because I do not what to be a flashing, swinger, trashy wife. (mid life crisis with sensory issues anyone??) To him, lingere isn't even risque enough. I would die and go to heaven if my man got me 'normal' pj's...lol...but I do get what you are saying..if that's ALL you get are the flannels..you wonder if he still craves you as a sex kitten or not anymore. ...MEN!!! Next time you buy flannel PJ's...slip a lacy thong under them in the box...bingo, best of both worlds!

I'm sorry but I don't get it.

I'm sorry but I don't get it. I'm a woman and I have received cozy pajamas as a gift from my husband and have been thrilled with them. I like knowing he doesn't want me as a sex object ALL the time. I mean I also love getting the kinky gifts but I think a marriage is so much more than sex. Fun, cozy times together are just as important as wild sex times. I get your drift though, it's just that I don't think the gift itself was the problem. It was everything that was going on at the time combined. I love your stories by the way.

flailing and flanneling

For, me, with my first wife, I knew the romance was gone when she got a boyfriend! Uh, ok, so, I'm a man and it took something like that. Apparently nothing subtler worked! ;) So, when the English channel fails, we turn to the flannel chanel! (BTW, I'm with you on the flannel. the only thing worse is flannel sheets!) Love, Clyde


For a man, assuming I'm still one, it's a sweater.. That kind of sweater your father would have worn after your parents gave up trying. It marks you. Now her friends will exchange knowing looks that she has left the ranch and secretly found another "soul mate" to whom she will give some hot new cologne or bourbon.

Shred the flannels....

Oh, Rachel, such a tale! Yes, it is less than romantic and as clueless as he might be I question the switch to flannels from lace as being totally innocent of intent. Snuggling is meant for warm bodies, not yards of fabric...hope you ended up with something fun to wear ..... and I hope you get the chance to show it off in the future! Please, keep the stories coming ... they are thoughtful and humorous all at the same time and I look forward to them each week.


Rachel: I think flannel is a very nice gift (I live in Alaska) - IF - he really wants you to be warm, and gives it in October and doesn't wait until Christmas gift giving time - AND - he removes it the same way he removed the flimsy sleep wear - AND - he gives you something personal/romantic/sexy as well. Let's face it. Men are clueless and/or selfish. My little sister married a man when she was 16 who she had known for 3 weeks. They're about to celebrate their 43rd anniversary. Years ago, after he brought her flowers, I commented to her about what a nice gesture the flowers were. Her comment to me was "You don't think he came that way, do you?" TRAIN HIM. Let him know that while you like the warmth of the flannel, you would have preferred a rose color, would have preferred a card with them describing how he planned to remove them after you had them on, or even would have preferred an XXXXX size that you both could have fit into. Just tell him. Tell him why just the idea of blue/green checked flannel pj's says "leave me alone now, I'm going to bed - alone (or might as well be)." And tell him why the "I just wanted you to be warm" sentiment would have worked in OCTOBER when it started getting cold, but not in December (unless maybe he bought them in December - and of course gave them to you right away, - because he "just wanted you to be warm" rather than waiting until gift giving time, knowing he had warm pj's in a box for you while you spent weeks chilled in a drafty house). I think men should stick to jewelry and gift cards (to spas and such, not the grocery store). It would be a nice touch to include a romantic poem with the gift, but, at my age, I don't think there's time to train a man in such relationship nicities, however, there is always a chance I'll find a man given up on by someone else who is already partially trained. :) Love your thoughts, and the way you put them on paper. Keep the stories coming!

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